Summer 2018

Well I'm only 13 months behind on everything that's happened since our Europe trip last year... Last summer was absolutely insane. We found out we were pregnant, spent an incredible 2 weeks in Europe, spent about 2.5 weeks in Utah, moved into a new apartment, spent a few days in Chicago, and then finally got settled into our apartment in time for Greg to start school again and teach his first class!

We were home from Europe for I think 2.5, maybe 3 weeks, before we went to Utah. During that time at home we packed like crazy since we were going to be moving just a week after we got back from Utah. We had a great time in Utah with friends and family. We spent time in the mountains which we always miss. We ate lots of great food. We kept busy so we didn't really stress about the move while we were there which was nice.

The pic we sent my family before we came to tell them we were pregnant

One of the only pictures we got when we were with friends. This is our friend's Shannon and Jonathan's sweet daughter, Bentley

My high school BFFs that I got to catch up with!

We got back from Utah and packed like crazy. We left our first Boston apartment and it was bittersweet for sure. I loved the aesthetics of that apartment. The brick, the ivy covered facade, the reservoir just down the street we always walked around, the great kitchen, the elevator, the fire escape, the walkability and ease of getting downtown, the buzzer, and the property manager were all things we were sad to leave behind.

But our new apartment has easy parking (compared to paying $200/month for a spot), a second bedroom, more space and air conditioning in every room. This apartment still has its downsides but it was a good decision to move. The move itself was a little crazy. I could only help so much since I was pregnant, but we fortunately had lots of good friends and church members help us move. Our new apartment has two flights of stairs so we were especially grateful for all the help we had moving. It was mostly smooth until we tried to bring our couch up... We had already taken it apart into a few pieces but we still had to take the banisters off the walls and even remove the brackets they were on and one piece of the couch still got stuck in the stair well. Finally they were able to maneuver it so we could get it up. We got the essentials unpacked and put away before we had to leave for Chicago. At this point I was wishing I hadn't planned to go to Chicago so I could stay and get everything unpacked and organized. Chicago did end up being fun, but it was just a little crazy timing wise.
Chicago is a really cool city. I felt like we were living Batman Begins a lot of the time which was awesome. And if it wasn't Batman Begins we were living, it was While You Were Sleeping or Ferris Bueller's Day Off so it was an all around fun trip reflecting on some classic movies. We ate great food, enjoyed the art deco buildings, and loved some of the fun activities the conference set up for us.
When we got back to Boston it was nice to have a couple of weeks to get settled into our new apartment before the new semester started and wind down a little bit from our crazy packed, but incredibly fun summer.

View from our hotel room

Deep dish pizza with friends that first night
Walking to see the Bean

First bump pic

This was in the Chicago Cultural Center which was architecturally stunning

We did a night river cruise as one of the conference activities
We also got to go to the Art Institute of Chicago for an activity so we were living our Ferris Bueller's Day Off dreams


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