New Year's and the Bomb Cyclone

When we got home from Utah it was hard to get back to reality. But we finally got to catch up on sleep! We had a pretty mellow New Year's Eve in but it was a fun one! Our friends Steven and Caitlyn came over for food, games and to ring in the New Year.

We had a great New Year's Day running errands, cleaning the apartment and getting our resolutions written down. I love New Year's! Such a great time to reflect on the previous year and the things you want to make better for the next year. I always feel so motivated to do better! And now that we're into February, I'm happy to report we're doing pretty well on our resolutions! Let's hope we keep it up.

A couple of days into the New Year we got hit with a crazy winter storm, the "Bomb Cyclone." There was flooding all along the coast and then it all froze in the streets. We fortunately only got a couple of feet of snow where we are and didn't lose power or heat. We did have to dig our car out and since we live in an apartment, we don't have any shovels, so we had to dig our car out with our broom and the car brush. It took forever and was FREEZING (for a couple of weeks there we were lucky to hit double digits for our temperatures and there were a couple days we were lucky to be above 0), but we did it!


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