Pre Astrid 2019

January had some highs but also some lows. We found out a couple of years ago that my grandpa had had cancer for decades and his body was finally giving in. There were multiple times when we lived in Utah and even after we moved to Boston that we thought Grandpa was going to pass away. After I got pregnant I started feeling that he was going to pass away after I would be too pregnant to travel and that I was going to miss his funeral. I chalked that up to the pregnancy hormones though always looking for worst case scenarios. We had planned to go to the temple on a Saturday in January, our last time going together before Astrid, and they also made some changes at the temple in January 2019 that we were excited to see/hear. The morning we planned to go I got the call from my mom that Grandpa had died. I was devastated and didn't want to do anything that day. But we ended up going to the temple anyway and I'm so glad we did. It was a very spiritual experience and all of the changes that they made put me even more at peace. I still cried but the sweetest woman at the temple was a stand in grandma for me that day and let me cry on her shoulder and comforted me. My boss decided to gift me a prenatal massage for my Christmas gift that year which was so incredibly thoughtful! I had had to book it a few weeks out because they only had one masseuse who could do prenatal massages. Turns out my grandpa's funeral ended up being on the same day I had my appointment. I was really looking forward to the massage to distract me from missing the funeral and to help my very pregnant body feel more comfortable for a minute. When I got there though, they told me they had to cancel because the masseuse had injured her hand. They hadn't even called me to let me know. I was so mad. So I got it rescheduled and was bitter and sad the whole rest of the day. The rest of January was much better though. I did end up getting my massage which was lovely. I had my last day of working full time. I hosted my first gourmet night to celebrate my 1 year anniversary of going. It was a Spanish tapas theme and it was a huge hit. Plus I was feeling the best I'd felt my whole pregnancy so I was able to do all the things I wanted to for it. I made sinless sangria, warm marinated olives, Spanish tortilla and bread. Plus, the month before, a local magazine came to gourmet night and did a story on us! It was published in January so we were all able to look at and read the article. We got the nursery put together finally! My sweet ministering sisters also threw me a baby shower that was so cute! We had crepes and parfaits and everyone was so generous. I started having contractions on January 30th and had a mostly sleepless night that night from the pain. The morning of the 31st the contractions had mostly stopped but started up again that afternoon. We ended January 2019 with my water breaking and making it to the hospital just after midnight on February 1.

Love this picture of my grandpa!

From our last temple trip pre baby
Nursery all ready to go!

My sister painted some floral canvases for us that we mixed in with the city prints and I much prefer the layout of that wall now with those added. Guess I need to get an updated pic!
From hosting my first gourmet night

Sinless sangria and bread

Warm citrus marinated olives

Spanish tortilla

Our article about gourmet night

Me with my sweet ministering sisters, Lizz and Laura

Ashley also helped plan and throw the shower

We forgot to take a picture until the end, but we also have Annah, Chelsie, Liz, and Kahli in this pic

All the cutest gifts


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