Fall Weather, Football, and Family

This weekend was so much fun!!  It was nice and cool and rainy.  It felt like fall and smelled fantastic!!  My grandparents came down from Canada and so Greg and I went up to stay at my parents' house so we could be with the whole family.  We went for a long drive to this canyon that was absolutely breathtaking!  It was really rainy so it was pretty slippery but Greg and I still went and explored a little.  We want to go back another weekend and hike some more.  We watched a lot of football with the family too.  My parents had stake conference and we went to the adult session with them and my grandparents which was really good.  I love fall!!  It is my favourite time of year.  I am so excited for it to really get here.  I also got some fall cleaning done!  I love having a clean and organized house but sometimes with my work schedule and Greg is always busy with work and school, it's hard to keep everything exactly how I want it.  I love looking on Pinterest for ideas on how to keep the house more clean and organized.  I would love any tips also!  Here are some pictures from the canyon :)

                                                                 I love these mountains!

                                                                 Us and the grandparents!
                                                         We had so much fun exploring!


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