Catching up

Okay... Wow... It's been a long time since I posted! Life has been so crazy!! So much has happened. Greg and I celebrated our first anniversary which was great! Most weekends we drive to Salt Lake to see our families or hang out with friends so we almost never get to just stay at home and take it easy. So for our anniversary we decided that's what we wanted to do. We stayed home and watched a couple of our favourite Christopher Nolan movies. After the movies we went out to dinner and then we went to the best toy store ever! It's called Blickenstaff's. They have all sorts of toys and things out that you can play with and they have a ton of old fashioned candy and we loved that! We filled up on war heads, fancy licorice, cow tails, and some weird things that Greg picked out... We also have had some serious car problems. We hope (cross your fingers) that the worst of that is behind us because it was awful and expensive! And all that was happening at the same time that we were trying to move into a new apartment. And I have been studying for a promotion at work. The studying is soooo boring but I will like my job a lot more after it's behind me. Needless to say it was very stressful. Fortunately I work for an amazing company that knew about all the craziness and paid for movers to come and move everything for us! What a blessing. I don't know how we would have made it through without that. We are finally in our new apartment, all unpacked, and I can actually buckle down for this promotion. I love the new apartment! It's not bigger but it's nicer and has better flow and organization. It is also much more private, it actually feels like a house which I love. And we have a back patio and a washer and dryer! Those alone almost sold me on it. One of the hardest things about moving was that I wasn't able to cook for a while... I really missed it. And we also got into a bad habit of eating unhealthy food because that was easy. Now that we're all settled I am trying to get back on track but I just really love cookie dough! 
Now for some pictures :)
Pictures from our anniversary! Turns out there are actually some really fun things to do in Provo

Mikayla, me, and Payton on Mother's Day waiting to Skype with Rem!

I love my mom so much! This is like the only picture I have with her and I love it! She is my hero

Skyping with Elder Larsen!! It's so good to hear from him and hear how much he's grown spiritually. It is amazing to see the difference in him. I am so proud!

This is about as exciting as my studying gets... Can't wait to get it over with!


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