
December this year has been so fun and crazy. Between 4 December birthdays in our family, work Christmas parties, family Christmas parties, and actual Christmas, there doesn't seem time for anything else. But it has been great! I was lucky enough to have the 24th and 25th off of work so we really got to enjoy time with our family. After work on the 23rd we drove up to my parent's for a party with my dad's brother and his family and my grandparents from Canada. We did a white elephant and had hot chocolate and yummy snacks. It was a lot of fun. Christmas Eve we watched a ton of Christmas movies, played games, and had dinner with my family and both sets of grandparents. My Grandma Larsen made a traditional Norwegian Christmas Eve dinner. They have bone in pork chops, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, carrots, and Norwegian Rice Pudding. I know what it's called but I don't know how to spell it so I won't even attempt it. Norwegians drink a lot of wine with their dinner, but we don't drink haha so my dad brought out the same pop they had at Christmas Eve dinner when he was a kid, lime Crush and Red Cream Soda. Afterwards, we watched the He is the Gift video to remember what this time is really about. You can watch the video here. It is just a couple minutes long but it is so good. I am so grateful for Christmas time and all the great memories it brings. Christmas morning we went over to Greg's parent's house and opened presents with them. After that we went back to my parent's house to get ready to Skype with my brother who is on a mission in Spokane, WA. It was so great to talk to him!! He looks so good and is loving his mission. I am so proud of him. We opened presents at my parent's house as well. We are so blessed! We got everything we wanted/needed and then some. That night we drove home because I had work on the 26th. Work was so slow on the 26th that we closed early so we were able to go up to Salt Lake and meet my family downtown for lunch and then we did some shopping. I made dinner that night and then we played games for a few hours and then watched a movie. Saturday morning we said goodbye to my grandparents as they were going to my uncle's house and we probably wouldn't see them before going back to Canada. My parents took us out to lunch and then we said bye to them and we went to do some more shopping. We were both super tired and then after shopping we were so ready to go home. I can't relax when stuff isn't put away though, so when we got home we put all of our stuff away and cleaned the apartment, and then it was time to relax! We ended up staying up until about 1 AM watching a Chopped marathon on Food Network haha.... We love that show! We went to a 1 o'clock Church yesterday and it was so great to sleep in! We just took it easy and relaxed after Church. It was a great day to wind down before coming back to reality. Now it's time to get back to work, and get back to the gym... I was definitely feeling the holidays this morning when I put my jeans on. That's what New Year's resolutions are for right?? We already paid for our gym memberships for the coming year so hopefully that will help us with our resolution! Now for pictures!

Cute Remington on Skype!

This is the super cute plate that Payton painted for Greg and me! Isn't she so talented?!

Us on Christmas Eve in our new Christmas PJ's! Thanks Mom and Dad!

Christmas Twinning!

For the Seinfeld fans out there, this was on Festivus! My dad let me pin him for the feats of strength haha!

My cousin, Shirsten's cute girls Lucy and Stella

This was the photo collage I made to give my grandparents for Christmas. You can't tell in the picture, but I used Modge Podge over the whole thing and so it looked like it was on canvas which was pretty cool. I love pictures of family!


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