Adventures in the Kitchen

Last weekend we didn't have much going on and it was so nice to get to spend a weekend at home. We went to the BYU game and then came home and I made dinner. I wanted to bake a cake also so while my chicken was cooking in the sauce I got the cake together and threw it in the oven. Greg set the table and when the chicken was done, took it off the burner and we sat down to eat. The cake was done before we finished eating so I pulled it out of the oven and put it on the stove. While we were cleaning up dinner it smelled like something was burning. We figured it was something in the oven burning off and didn't think anything of it. I left to go run an errand and after just a few minutes I got a call from Greg. He told me the cake had exploded. ... What does that even mean?? He told me he forgot to turn the burner off when he took the chicken off and that was the burner the cake had been sitting on. The burning smell we smelled was the cake burning on the burner! The whole glass pan shattered and there was glass everywhere. When I got home he was still cleaning up glass, poor guy. I was pretty sad because I really wanted that cake and because one of my big glass pans was no more. But we cleaned it up and baked another cake and the next day we just laughed and laughed about it. I wish I had been there to see how scared Greg was, he said it scared him super bad! I still laugh about it whenever I think about it.


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