Father's Day and the Start of Summer Fun

Even though we had to buy a new car, we have had a lot of fun the last few weeks! We got to go to Payton's end of year awards ceremony. She's so great! I can't believe she's on to high school in the fall!
She's so smart!

Tried to get her to look at me, but no luck

Celebration dinner afterwards isn't the same without silly selfies

This last weekend was Father's Day and my dad's birthday so it was busy, busy, busy! And fun! Friday night was also a friend's wedding reception so we went to that and it was great to catch up with some friends! On Saturday we went and saw Inside Out! Oh my goodness it was sooo cute. One of my favourites for sure! After the first movie, we went and had lunch at Red Robin and then headed back to the theater for Jurassic World! Also soo good! It was pretty intense but I loved it! After the movie we had some errands to run to get everything for Sunday dinner. When we got home I made 2 lemon meringue pies and 2 chocolate cream pies. It was a lot of cooking, but I cheated and used frozen pie shells so it wasn't terrible. After I finished the pies, we went outside and roasted marshmallows and starbursts. So yummy! On Sunday we went to Church with Greg's family. Usually on Father's Day there are talks about Fathers. But there wasn't much mention of dads actually so that was unusual. After Church Greg went to help his brother pack for football camp and I went to Sacrament meeting with my family. Then it was on to lunch with Greg's family. We had these really yummy Brats, fruit salad, and corn on the cob (yum!)! I don't love Brats, but these were super good! They were flavoured with BBQ seasonings and man, they were delicious! We had fun spending time with them and getting to be with them on Father's Day. For Sunday dinner, it was back to my parent's house. My grandparents came up and Jessica came too. We had pot roast, mashed potatoes, rice, gravy, grilled asparagus, grilled onions, bread (homemade sourdough, thanks Uncle Kevin), and fruit. We had pie for dessert. It was so great to get to see our dads on Father's day and to spend my dad's birthday with him! He is just the greatest!!

Summer is in full swing now for sure. The AC at work went out yesterday so we were sitting in about 85 degree weather all day. It was miserable! Here's hoping that doesn't happen again this summer! We haven't done anything too summer-y yet, but we are planning to! Camping, a road trip, amusement parks, fires, swimming, I can't wait!


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