June? Already?

Time is FLYING by. I mean it's June! We are under 80 days from the move now and we still have soo much to do. Do you know how many different options there are for moving across the country? Do you know how much time it takes to look at every option and compare costs of a million different scenarios within those options? It's been crazy! And we've started going through all of our stuff trying to downsize as much as possible. It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in 3 years! Our apartment is a disaster with stuff out everywhere and that's probably what it will be like until we move, but it still doesn't really feel real yet. I think it won't be real until we're settled in Boston. It's been a whirlwind and exciting and stressful experience. I am so excited for this opportunity but it is not without its drawbacks. There have been a lot of sacrifices made. Lots of tears. Plans have had to change, things we want so badly have to be pushed and made into future plans. Don't get me wrong, we are so grateful and excited to go to Boston, but it has been a really hard few months. I'm so blessed that through all of this I have Greg by my side. There is no one I would rather make these hard decisions with or move across the country with. I can't wait for all the experiences we will have together in Boston! Sometimes I wish time would slow down because it feels like everything is moving so fast, but at the same time I just want to done already. It's June already so I am just going to try and enjoy the time we have left here.


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