4th of July

I know so many people who love the 4th of July, like it's their favourite holiday. I love the 4th of July because it's a chance to celebrate our great country and remember what was sacrificed to get to where we are. But I am not really into those summer-y things people always do to celebrate. I don't like fireworks, I don't really like swimming, I don't like being in the heat. I do like BBQs though! Unless we're outside all time... I really don't like the heat. Lucky for me my family basically feels the same way I do! So this year my dad got a suite at a hotel in Park City where it was 15 degrees cooler than in the valley. We got up there Sunday afternoon after church and it was a beautiful drive up there. I made pizza and we just ate pizza, hung out and watched a movie. My parents brought sooo much food up there. The 6 of us easily could have had enough food for 5 days so we ate plenty of snacks and treats during the movie too (don't judge, it's a holiday!). Monday we got up and ate and went straight to the pool. We were the only ones there for most of the time so that was really nice! I didn't stay for too long because being in the sun too long always makes me sick, but it was really fun! We had multiple races in the pool which was so fun but also made us all really tired and sore. After swimming I went up and got lunch ready and then we all went for a hike. It was pretty warm, but we got a nice breeze and we got some cloud cover so it wasn't miserable. It was a beautiful hike. Everything was super green still so that was awesome! Coming back down we were so tired we went straight down this super steep hill rather than use all the switchbacks that take a lot longer but aren't steep at all. We were glad to be done but were super glad we went! We were all super hot so as soon as we got back to the hotel we all changed into our suits, rinsed off and headed back to the pool. It was a lot more crowded now but it was still really fun! After we cooled off in the pool we mostly sat in the hot tub and then Greg and I went back upstairs (I wasn't feeling too great by this point and Greg was a good sport and kept me company upstairs). After dinner we were all super tired and it took Greg and me a while to pack all our stuff up because we were moving so slow. And my mom kept giving us more food to take (I'm not going to have to cook for 2 days and won't have to get any snacks together for lunches for a while, thanks mom!) so we had to keep adding food to our bags. Even though we were exhausted we had so much fun! The hotel we stayed in was great, 3 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms with a pull out couch so we weren't cramped, it was really nice, and the pool was perfect! It was seriously so much fun, I'm really going to miss being close for all the holidays!


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