The Long Drive

Guess where I am writing this post from? Boston! After months of planning, stress, tears, excitement, and plenty of other emotions, we made it! 3 days of driving, about 32 hours in the car, much less sleep than we need, 1 chip in the windshield, lots of fast food and lots of toll roads later we are here. We are so glad to be out of the car for a while. And we feel so blessed that with all the driving we did, with all the cops we saw on the road and with all the torrential rain we drove through, the only thing to go wrong was that we got a chip in our windshield. No tickets, no car problems, no losing control when there was standing water on the freeway, nothing except one little chip. We were definitely looked after.

The drive was much prettier than I expected. Looking at the map and seeing we would be driving through Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois and Ohio I wasn't expecting much. When I hear "Midwest" I think of Kansas and Oklahoma and from what I've seen of that, I was expecting super flat and brown landscapes. We were pleasantly surprised to find that everything was super green and way less flat than we expected. It was pretty cool to drive through so many states! We got UT, WY, NE, IA, IL, IN, OH, PA, NY and MA. Not too shabby!

We listened to Inferno, talked a lot, slept, listened to music, and only lost a little sanity. Mostly when we got to 80 miles outside Boston and saw we still had an hour and forty minutes of driving because of the traffic we started to go a little crazy trapped in the car in traffic after 30 hours in the car. It was a pretty uneventful drive which I guess is what you want when you are driving almost 2,500 miles. We had a lot of fun despite being exhausted and trapped in the car. Not something we want to do again anytime soon though.

We have until Thursday before we can move into our apartment so we are still living out of suitcases and doing without but we will get there and will love our apartment even more after being "homeless" for a week!

Here are some pictures of the people we left behind (sniff) and a picture of one of our going away presents 😂

Us and Shannon and Jonathan

Abby and Jacoby, Uncle Ben and Aunt Dar, Jessica, Eliza, Payton, my parents, Gage, Kerstin and Nixon, and grandma and grandpa. Remington had to leave before dinner so we missed him here 


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