First Utah Visit and Christmas

Greg and I got to go to Utah for Christmas this year which was great! Even though I lived in Utah almost my whole life, it was very weird to go back. I can't really place my finger on it, but it was just weird. It was so great to be there, but it was definitely different. And we missed Boston! It really has started to feel like home. There were things we had missed a lot about Utah. Like the mountains and the huge roads! And of course family and friends. We seriously have the best family and friends. We had so many friends reach out to us so we could get together for lunch or dinner, hot chocolate, or just to hang out. There were some people we didn't get to see, but they still reached out to us. And of course a huge shout out to my parents. They let us stay with them for 3 weeks, picked us up from the airport, let us use their car for 3 weeks, took us out to eat, fed us for 3 weeks, took us to a movie, let us use their house to have friends over, and we had so much fun with them. We saw lots of extended family too. We made it to a Jazz game with some friends, I got to go to one with my brother and mom, we saw Rogue One again and saw Moana and Sing, and we played lots of games. As much fun as we had and as great as it was to see everyone, after 2 weeks we were ready to go back home. It's hard to be away from home for that long and be on a pseudo vacation but still have work. We still had fun our last week but we were so ready to be home. Saturday morning we were ready to leave, got to the airport and everything was going great. We got on the plane ready to get to Denver and were a minute away from take off when they told us the connecting flight to Boston was cancelled. So we could either get off and re-book in Salt Lake or get off in Denver and re-book. But our luggage was on the plane and either way it was too late to get it and we'd just have to meet up with our luggage in Boston. So we got off and called my parents to come pick us up. We re-booked a Monday flight and went back to my parent's house. We had to run errands to get the essentials to get us through until Monday. We finally made it back on Monday and it was such a relief! No frozen pipes, no break ins, the only problem was our car was dead. The cold totally ruined our battery. Greg went the next day and got a new one and had to walk like 5 blocks carrying the battery because #citylife. It feels so good to be home! We are so grateful we got to be with family for Christmas and see all our friends, but there's no place like home.

My grandma's property is amazing btw

Chicago from the plane. Look at the ice floating in the water!


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