Paris Night 2-Sacré-Cœur

We took the train back to Paris from Versailles and went back to the apartment to eat some sandwiches and rest up a bit. Our apartment was just a 15 minute walk from Sacré-Cœur Basilica so after a little break we made the trek over there. It sits on top of this huge hill so we had to climb quite the sets of stairs to get to it. I should have taken a picture of all the stairs we walked, but it was probably too dark anyway. It is so impressive! It is huge and all white and it has lights shining on it at night so we could see it from pretty far away. It was truly magnificent. 

The inside was just as impressive as the outside. I'm not Catholic and don't understand everything, but I do know a fair bit about Catholicism from some research and studying I have done. One of the things I find so interesting about their church is the churches themselves. These big basilicas are absolutely beautiful. And all the small chapels around the edges were exquisite. I always think, "How did they build this?!" The huge ceilings, the domed ceilings, the paintings everywhere, the stained glass. It's amazing.


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