A New Jersey Wedding

Greg has three other guys in his cohort at school. They get along great and have become good friends over this first year. There's Ray, Ben (who couldn't make it to the wedding), and Gabriel. Ray and his fiancee, Danielle, got married the first weekend in June and we were able to make it down to New Jersey for their wedding. Everyone thought we were crazy because we were just going to drive down Saturday, be there for the ceremony and reception and then drive home that night, but we're from out west where driving 9 hours is barely enough to get you somewhere fun from SLC and this was 9 hours round trip! 

We left Saturday morning and stopped for lunch at this BBQ place in Connecticut, Little Mark's Big BBQ. I saw the chef/owner on Cooks vs. Cons on Food Network and we've been dying for some good BBQ out here so I looked where it was and it was right on our way to New Jersey! The food was soo good! We plan on making a couple random trips to Connecticut just for that. We also got to see the chef which was very exciting for me and heard him talking about competing. But my favourite part was these two old ladies sitting a couple tables across from us. One of them ordered a sundae for dessert and it was HUGE. She was so shocked by it and we were all laughing at her reaction because she was so cute and then she asked me to take a picture of her with her huge sundae! Haha it was so random and hilarious! So of course I took  her picture!

We drove the rest of the way to the wedding and every so often would just laugh about those cute old ladies at the restaurant. Ray and Danielle's wedding was at Ray's grandpa's house. The house was built in the 1700's and there was all this amazing land surrounding it. There was a pond and then a big open green space surrounded by trees that was just beautiful. That's where the ceremony was. It was a beautiful ceremony and it was really the perfect day for a wedding. The sun was shining, blue skies, but not hot. After the ceremony they had a cocktail hour while Ray and Danielle had some pictures done. There were lots of little yummy bites to enjoy and we just hung out with Gabriel and his girlfriend, Marie. They then had us all sit for dinner and since Danielle is Korean, they did some traditional Korean wedding things which was really fun, and then there were a couple of toasts given while they were bringing out the salads. Danielle's grandpa gave a toast that I don't think I will ever forget haha. He's a very religious man, so his whole toast was quoting Bible verses. But not just any Bible verses, Bible verses about wine and how good wine is! Haha! We were probably the only ones besides the kids that raised their water glasses instead of wine glasses to that toast haha, it was so great! The food was delicious and they served it family style which was really fun because kind of the whole theme of their wedding was family. There was lots of dancing and we had a blast. We finally decided we should head back at about 10 so we could try to get home before sunrise. We were super awake for the first 2 hours of the drive but the last two+ hours we barely made it through by munching on candy and listening to/watching cooking shows on the iPad haha! It was a great day though and we're excited to not be the only married couple in the group anymore!

Marie, Gabriel, Greg, Me

His sign says "Here Comes the Bride"

Greg, Ray, Gabriel. The sun was real bright haha


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