
Ah, November! Fall is in full swing, the holiday season starts, and plenty of opportunities to bake and cook great food, I love it! We have both been sick off and on, mostly on, since September so come November that was getting pretty old. Work and school were also really starting to take their tolls on us. When I finally turned in my last assignment of the semester, Greg thought we needed to celebrate because there hadn't been much to celebrate previously haha. We went downtown and went to a French bakery for lunch. We shared an amazing baguette sandwich with brie and apples on it. And then we shared some pastries because dang it! We deserved it! We shared an almond croissant, pain au chocolat and the best tarte tatin I've ever had.

After lunch we headed to Eataly which is one of my favourite places in the city. We got some amazing smoked cheese and thinly shaved pork loin to have on cheese boards and we loved them! It was the best way to celebrate the end/almost end of the semester.\

For Thanksgiving, our friends Steven and Caitlyn convinced us to go to New York for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I only convinced Greg to go by promising we could still have a Thanksgiving dinner, so I did a little bit of prep every day for about a week before Thanksgiving. The day before Thanksgiving, we finished work and headed out for New York. We got pretty lucky traffic wise, our friends left earlier than we did and they were in the car for 5 hours. It took us about 3 1/2 hours to get there. None of us slept very well that night, I ended up getting about 2 hours of sleep, and then we finally all got up a little after 4 to get ready and then head to Manhattan for the parade. It was still dark, it was cold, but we were excited! There were probably about 50 cops all in uniform standing on one street we passed and Greg and I both got really excited about that because it made us think of Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises haha. We were pretty annoyed though because there weren't any signs up about the parade route so we got into a spot and it wasn't until much later we found out the parade wasn't even going to go in front of us! But at that point it was too late to move somewhere else because it was full. We could still see the parade from where we were so we thought it would be fine. But not long after the parade started, the fancy VIPs who had spots in the middle of the circle left their spot and filled into the street, blocking our view. After about an hour of the parade we were all numb with cold and annoyed that we couldn't see anything, so we left. It was a cool experience but also pretty disappointing.

CBS News Anchor filmed our group cheering

Completely numb at this point

Notice how the street keeps filling in with more people?

When we got home from New York, I finished up our dinner and it was just how I wanted it!

Black Friday we caught up on sleep and decorated our tree. Greg had work to do but mostly it was a lounge day to recover from the previous 48 hours haha. On Saturday, we had our last shift as ordinance workers at the temple. With both of us doing school and me working full time, it was almost impossible to carve time out for our shifts. Working in the temple was an incredible experience and I am so glad we got called. We saw and experienced amazing things. If you ever get the chance to be an ordinance worker, please do it. It is a huge time commitment, but worth it a hundred times over. It was incredibly bittersweet to walk out of the temple that night.

To finish out November, I ended on a very Christmasy note which I loved! Every year for 50 years, what started out as the Cambridge branch and is now 2 Cambridge wards, the relief society activity for December has been a wreath making activity. They do a little Christmas program with some scriptures and musical numbers and then we just have food and chat and make our wreaths. It's so fun! Perfect way to end November and kick off December.


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