5th Anniversary/Disney World

Being married is seriously the best! I feel like I've known Greg my whole life but then at the same time our five years together has flown by and I feel like we're still newly weds. I have grown and learned so much in these five years. I'm so appreciative of Greg and all he does for me. No marriage is perfect, but I wouldn't trade ours for anything. We spent our fifth anniversary at Disney World and we had so much fun!

A few months before our anniversary we found cheap tickets to Orlando the week of our anniversary plus we had credit card rewards to use so we figured, why not?! I started doing lots of research about Disney World because as much as we know about Disneyland, Disney World is a completely different game. We made our plans, and after what felt like forever, we were on our way!

We spent our first day in Epcot and loved the World Showcase, all the amazing food, the free pop samples from around the world, and how beautiful the park was.

Our next day was in Magic Kingdom. Magic Kingdom was probably our least favourite park we went to. It took time for our Lyft driver to drop us off and then we still had to take the Monorail into the park so it felt like a lot of travel time.

But finally we made it!

You guys the castle was so cool here! And the details for every ride was even better than at Disneyland if you can believe it!

Haunted Mansion

Gaston's had the BIGGEST and most DELICIOUS Cinnamon Buns

Look how cute it all is!

Little Mermaid Ride
But the reason we didn't like Magic Kingdom as much is because it took so long to get there. And by the afternoon every single ride had at least an hour wait. We had already ridden all the rides we wanted to and we didn't really think it was worth it to wait in line for over an hour for rides we've already done and there weren't any small rides to fill our time. Since Greg was also sick this trip (poor guy!), we decided to just call it a night. It ended up being a good decision because we were able to get lots of sleep and be ready for our last day at the park.

On our last day we went to Hollywood Studios. Our expectations for Hollywood Studios were kinda low because I'd read that it was kind of in limbo right now. It's expected to be an awesome park once the Toy Story and Star Wars stuff is all open but for now it's not getting that much love. But we loved it! There weren't a ton of rides in this park, but we were able to ride everything and catch a lot of shows. Don't miss the shows here! We saw Indiana Jones and Beauty and the Beast and they were both phenomenal! Not to mention Fantasmic! and the Star Wars Nighttime Spectacular which were also fabulous! As a bonus, we got a free cupcake with our lunch because "the force was strong with us" so that was a win. And thanks to my friend, Christian, who worked at Hollywood Studios and gave us some great tips so we got to see the March of the First Order from the beginning and march behind them the whole way. It was seriously such a good day and the perfect way to end our trip! We got a few hours of sleep before needing to leave for the airport at 4. We were able to get home in time to sleep for a couple of hours before General Conference started. Best way to celebrate our anniversary!


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