The Met

I'm so glad Greg loves museums. I have always loved them but my family isn't big into museums so I never really had anyone to enjoy them with. Now I do! And as a bonus! Through our bank, we can get into certain museums for free on the first Saturday of every month!So the day after our Star Wars party, on the 5th, we drove to New York to see the Met. When we got there it was about lunchtime and was a beautiful day so we walked over to Eli Zabar's deli just around the corner from the Met and got some sandwiches on his delicious bread (one was prosciutto and olive oil and one was salami and mozzarella and olive oil) and some pastries (a sticky bun and an apple turnover). We enjoyed this incredible food under the trees in Central Park. The weather was perfect so it was a lovely lunch.

After we finished eating we went into the Met. We knew there was no way we'd be able to see everything, so we tried to prioritize what we wanted to see the most. We ended up seeing a fair bit actually! We saw Ancient Greece and Roman works, Polynesian and African art, most of the enormous Ancient Egyptian exhibit, some Medieval and Renaissance works, Impressionist art including a little garden exhibit, and some Middle Eastern art including incredible rugs. We saw rooms made up like European castles and palaces would have had, a room covered entirely in beautiful Middle Eastern rugs, instruments that were hundreds of years old and instruments that were just a few decades old, and armour and weapons galore. I didn't take as many pictures as I normally do at museums because I am trying to enjoy the art in the moment more, but I did snap some of my favourite pieces. The only disappointment of the trip was that just a few days after we went they were opening an exhibit called "Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination" which would have been fabulous I'm sure, but we missed it. And a lot of where they were setting up that exhibit was closed which was a bummer. But! As we were walking out of the museum we saw an exhibit called "Visitors to Versailles" so we decided to go through that before leaving and I'm so glad we did! We got headsets to listen to as we walked through and it was like a story of people talking about their visits to Versailles in its glory days. It was "3D" sound so it sounded like the carriages and walking and music were all around you and it was really cool. Made us both want to go back to Versailles! After walking through that we were for real exhausted and left to start the drive home. We packed sandwiches with us so we didn't have to worry about stopping for food on our way back which I must say was so smart on our part because trying to stop for food out here is a pain! In Utah there are plenty of signs telling you which freeway exits have food and how far off the freeway each place is. Here you either have to pull up Google Maps to find somewhere to eat and drive way far off the freeway, or get stuck with overpriced McDonald's or Dunkin Donuts at the expensive gas station stops they have once in a while off the freeway. No thanks! Despite the lack of easy food off the freeway, I seriously love that we can drive to New York and have an amazing day there and still have enough time to watch a movie when we get back to Boston.

This building is so beautiful

One of those palace rooms I mentioned

Thomas Jefferson's Passport issued by Louis XVI

Part of the parks and garden exhibit

Some of the Middle Eastern art

I absolutely loved this massive work of Joan of Arc
And a selfie in the old, ornate mirror of course


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