A Pregnancy and A European Dream

Almost from the time Greg and I got engaged, we've been dreaming of a long and jam packed trip to Europe. After years of dreaming and almost a year of planning, we finally got to go on our 2 week European trip! We flew out June 9 and flew home June 23. It was an incredible trip, but it wasn't without a few set backs of course, some of which started with the planning stage. We had so many more things we wanted to see and do on our list, but we just couldn't fit it all in so we sadly had to cross things off of our list.

The weekend before we left to Europe, I was complaining to Greg how unfair it was that I had gained a few pounds despite kicking our exercising up months before our trip to help get into better shape before our trip. We even went off sugar and were more careful about what and how much we ate (minus a couple of splurges like a lobster roll and a pastry date night). I made a joke about how I was probably pregnant, despite having negative tests what felt like not that long before, but actually had been a while ago. So as sort of a joke, I took another pregnancy test and was absolutely speechless when it came up positive. Some women do these cutesy announcements for their husbands and I always thought I'd do something like that, but after expecting our road to parenthood to be much longer, all I could do was walk out to Greg and hold the test out to him, without even saying anything! He looked as shocked as I felt, said, "Are you serious? This isn't a joke?" probably 3 times in between hugging me and looking at the test again and again. We were still in so much shock the next day that Greg made me take another test just to be sure.

Given some of my complications, I called my doctor on Monday and she got me in that week to get checked out. I had no way of knowing how far along I was so we had to do an ultrasound. It was only 4 weeks but I was so glad I was able to get in to see my doctor before we left because the not knowing would have killed me while we were in Europe! My doctor gave the all clear for travel, but gave me the list of foods/medications to avoid and the medications it was ok to take. At this point I was feeling pretty good, except a little tired, so it was a little disappointing to know that I was only 4 weeks along because there was a good chance some of the less fun symptoms of the 1st trimester would hit while we were in Europe. Plus I was very disappointed about having to be careful with the cheeses I could eat on our trip, and missing out on a lot of the meats I was so looking forward to, like jamon and chorizo in Spain or prosciutto in Italy (I could still eat these if they were cooked, but I tried cooking some of these while there and it was not the same and honestly most of them were not that great when cooked). But! We were getting to take a little extra person with us on our trip and we were so thrilled about that.


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