
At this point in our trip, things started to really slow down for me. Pregnancy started to make me more tired so I didn't see as much of Lyon as I wanted to. It was still beautiful though!

We got to Lyon Sunday morning and hoped we'd be able to make it to a Sacrament meeting. There was only one meeting we could have made it to but Google Maps couldn't find a way to get us there by public transportation so we weren't able to go. So instead we headed to Old Lyon where the streets are cobbled and the buildings close together. Our Airbnb was so cute, but kind of creepy to get to! Down a little side street, there was a door you open and it looked like a dark cellar in there. Then we had to go up 4 flights of small, windy stairs to get to the top floor where the Airbnb was. Once we were there though, we loved it! Inside it was very modern and updated but we had great views of the city rooftops and had a little balcony with table and chairs so we could eat out there.

That little left window is from the staircase so you can see how dark it was in the stairs!

Croissants and pastries for breakfast on the balcony, my fave part of France
After we checked in and dropped our stuff off, we decided to walk around and find somewhere to eat. We found a little restaurant that looked good and walked down into the restaurant. The restaurant was in the basement with low ceilings, old rock walls, and was so cool! We had traditional French dishes, boeuf bourguignon for me and a chicken and potato dish for Greg. We also got a dessert, but I can't remember what it was! After I took a nap we made the short but steeeep trek up to the basilica. The basilica was breathtaking. From the top there were incredible views of the city and the inside was stunning.

After the trek up and back down from the basilica, we decided we deserved some ice cream. There was a little ice cream place just across the street from our Airbnb and it was the best ice cream we've ever had. Even better than the gelato we were going to try in Italy. The place was called Glacier Terre Adelice and we joked about making another trip to Lyon just for the ice cream there. Except we weren't actually joking that much... We ended up having ice cream there 3 times in our 2 days there.

Raspberry on the bottom and grapefruit on top

I only remember the top was chocolate

Mint chip and Nutella
On Monday we walked over to a Michelin star restaurant for lunch. We've had it on our bucket list to eat at a Michelin star restaurant for a while, and we decided it was worth the splurge to do it in the food capital of France. We ate at Brasserie le Nord since it was actually open on a Monday and had a prixe fix menu so it was much more affordable than a lot of options.

After lunch, we enjoyed the city architecture on our walk back to the Airbnb. We took a little rest, and then after a little bit, Greg went out to explore the city on his own since I was still exhausted. Greg was seriously just the best on this trip. He always did whatever he could to make sure I was comfortable, carried luggage for me, and was ok with doing some things solo so I could rest. Since our lunch was so expensive, we had dinner at home and made one more trip for ice cream before we headed to Milan the next morning.

I was really nervous about the next morning because I was going to be 6 weeks pregnant. My mom was violently ill all day every day from 6 weeks until 7 or 8 months pregnant with all 3 of her pregnancies. So I was really concerned I would be the same and we would be spending a lot of the next day on a train, which already makes me a little sick thanks to motion sickness. So early the next morning, before leaving for our train, I had Greg give me a blessing and we prayed that if I had to throw up during the pregnancy, we asked that it wait until we were back home in Boston. I was extremely nauseated during the first trimester but our prayers were answered and I didn't throw up at all! Even after we got home! Probably TMI, but gotta recognize the blessings in life!


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