Geneva-The End of an Amazing Trip

We took a train from Milan to Geneva and despite the gorgeous scenery, it was a depressing train ride because it meant we only had one more night in Europe before we flew home.

View from the train

We actually felt pretty unprepared once we got to Switzerland because, I don't know why we didn't realize this ahead of time but, we didn't realize that Switzerland isn't part of the EU haha! Fortunately we could still use our Euros rather than get Swiss Francs, we just lost out on the conversion but it wasn't much and it's not like we could use Euros at home anyway. So we realized that, felt dumb, and headed to our Airbnb. We were staying a little outside of Geneva, but we were close to the airport and IKEA which worked out really well. Here's a hot tip for you, even in expensive Switzerland, IKEA wasn't that much more expensive than it is here, so we went to IKEA for lunch and it was about half the price of some of the other restaurants we looked at. After lunch, we headed into Geneva and walked around, got some ice cream, and went into a chocolate shop. Chocolate would be the perfect souvenir from Switzerland! On our way back to the Airbnb, we stopped in the grocery store for some food for supper and something to eat on the plane the next day.

The day we were in Switzerland, Switzerland was playing a World Cup game and they won! It was fun for the first hour after the win to hear everyone cheering outside, honking their car horns and hearing the fireworks go off. After an hour, it got a little old though and by 11 PM I was pretty over it haha but I finally got to sleep. Our flight home was in the afternoon so we were able to take our time getting up in the morning, checking out of our Airbnb and then we were able to walk over to the airport. And let me just say, people aren't kidding when they talk about Swiss efficiency. Getting through security at that airport was amazing. They had lines that made sense, moved quickly, and they had people handing out bags for people to put liquids in in case they didn't know the liquids rule. There were signs up everywhere that said exactly what you had to take out of your bag and off your body to go through so it was really smooth sailing. We got through security, got some sandwiches to eat on the plane, and started our journey home. We were worried we were going to miss our connecting flight in Iceland, but the flight to Boston was delayed a little bit too so we didn't miss any flight and only got back to Boston a little later than planned.

This was the most incredible trip. We'd been dreaming and planning for 5 years and I'm so glad we finally got to do it. The timing ended up not being totally ideal since I got really sick and tired from pregnancy while we were there, but it was still incredible. I will always remember this amazing experience. A couple of weeks after we got home we did a date night tasting all the chocolate we got in Switzerland and it was a sweet reminder of our trip. And the chocolate was DELICIOUS

Milk chocolate with caramelized almonds

Milk chocolate with hazlenuts

Yogurt bar with strawberries

Dark chocolate with ginger


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