December 2018

Normally our Decembers are crazy busy. It means finals, my birthday, my mom and sister's birthdays, and traveling back to Utah for the holidays which means that's a jam packed trip trying to see all the friends/family and do all the holiday things. This December was still busy, but not as crazy as it normally is since I was going to be too pregnant to travel at the end of December, we decided not to go back to Utah for Christmas.

The beginning of December was super busy because Greg was finishing teaching and had lots to do to wrap up his class. I was taking a class too and had my final to study for and take. Good news! I passed my final and got an A in the class despite being pregnant and working. And even better news! Greg found out that one of the students in his class emailed one of the department heads, the one in charge of grad student teaching, and told her what a great teacher Greg was. I'm so proud!

For my birthday, Greg planned a trip to the Hamptons! My fave celeb chef who I wish was my BFF, Ina Garten, lives there so I've been wanting to visit for a long time! We left Thursday morning and got to the ferry in time for the one we wanted to take to get to Long Island. But for some reason, they decided to cancel that ferry! So we sat in our car for an hour, eating our sandwiches and talking and laughing until we could get on the next ferry. The ferry ride was pretty cool except that it made me sick. But it wasn't too long thankfully. We got to our Airbnb, checked in and freshened up a little before driving to East Hampton for dinner. We went to Nick and Toni's, one of Ina's recommended restaurants and it was delicious! We did the prix fixe menu so we both got salads to start, I had pasta with a spicy tomato sauce with house made sausage and then got a mango dessert that was so yummy! Sadly didn't run into Ina though. After dinner, we went back to our Airbnb and watched Thursday Night Football. It was Chargers vs. Chiefs and it was such a good game! The Airbnb we were at had a huge TV and ours was just a 32" TV so it was super fun to watch the game on a big screen!

On Friday we took our time getting up and going in the morning which was so great. You really need a lot of sleep when you're growing a little human! We went and explored in East Hampton a little and went to one of Ina's fave food shops, Loaves and Fishes. They were so friendly! We ended up chatting with the owner, who is friends with Ina!, for a good half hour. We got some jam as a food souvenir and got some Boston creme donuts to enjoy at the beach. After stopping there, we drove just a few minutes down to the beach and walked on the almost abandoned beach for a bit and it was just beautiful.

We had breakfast for lunch at Bridgehampton Candy Kitchen, another Ina recommendation haha, and it was great! I love diner breakfast. I was feeling pretty tired at this point so Greg went into a used bookstore by himself while I tried to nap in the car. We didn't have any kids books at this point yet, so Greg got a few here which is fun! When he was done, we headed to our next activity which I was so excited for! We went to Gingerbread University! I've told Greg before how for almost all of my birthday parties until I was about 10, we decorated gingerbread cookies because I loved it so much. So he found this place in the Hamptons that looks like a cute little village and they give you a gingerbread house to decorate. It was so cute and fun! They give you the house and some icing and a bag of random candies. I really want to come back here with kids.

I was pretty wiped after this so we went back to the Airbnb and had our leftovers from the night before for dinner and watched a movie, just what I needed! Saturday was another slow morning and then we headed back to Boston. It was such a fun birthday trip! And it was the last one we took before Astrid was born!

For gourmet night in December, one of our members who was moving, Emerald, hosted for the last time. Her theme was Ode to Boston and it was really special because we had so many of us there! Plus, a local magazine came to do a story on gourmet night!

Honestly, the rest of the month is kind of a blur haha. I know we did Christmas Eve just the two of us which was really fun and special since we've never done Christmas just the two of us before. We had my family's traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner with risen grot and then a pork chop dinner. We got in our Christmas PJs, read the Christmas story in the Bible and watched something Christmasy but I don't remember what haha! On Christmas Day we did brunch with some friends and then had an easy day at home and a fancy salmon dinner for Christmas dinner and riskrem for dessert. We missed family for sure, but it was actually really great just the two of us. We were also really excited because after loving the big TV at our Airbnb, my parents actually got us a big TV for Christmas! We were so excited and still love it so much haha.

New Year's Eve was also chill because that 3rd trimester is no joke on your body haha. I don't think I even made it until midnight. The next day we went to a movie, stopped at Chick-fil-a for lunch, got upset about some family drama, normal holiday stuff haha! We did come up with some resolutions for the New Year but it didn't feel like the fresh start we normally feel at New Year's because we were just a few weeks away from baby time and everything kind of felt on hold until that. But, it was a great end to our last year just the two of us!


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