FHE Treat

Yesterday night Greg and I went to the gym and I was feeling pretty good and healthy afterwards. I love that feeling! But there is something I love even more than that... Dessert. Last night was Monday night and Greg and I try to do Family Home Evening on Monday nights. Since it's just the two of us we make some sort of treat and listen to a Conference talk or something, we keep it simple. Last night we made my new favourite dessert, pazookies (I don't actually know how it's spelled)! It's a half-baked chocolate chip cookie served with ice cream. Oh it is so good! Warm and gooey and delicious! I had just found a recipe for chocolate chip cookies on Pinterest and this seemed like a good time to try it out. The recipe can be found here or you can use your own chocolate chip recipe. This one worked perfectly! I only made 2 pazookies and then made 12 cookies and froze the rest of the dough for later. After the dough was made I took my big ice cream scoop and filled it with dough. I put it on a small greased cookie sheet and then did another one. I flattened them out just a little. I baked them at 375 like the recipe said but only for about 6 1/2 minutes. They were just getting golden on the outside and perfectly gooey throughout the rest of it. I pulled them off the pan almost immediately and put them on plates. The first time I had a pazookie it was with vanilla ice cream, but my favourite is mint chocolate chip ice cream so that's what I used this time. While the cookie is still hot you put ice cream on top, or you can put it in a separate bowl and get a spoonful of ice cream and bite of cookie and eat it that way. I like it on top better. These were seriously delicious! And I am not a great baker so you know it's easy! Voila!

The finished product!


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