Some More Catching Up

Ok so yesterday I was just so excited to finally post on the blog again that I forgot some things. Like this major freak accident I was involved in! Seriously one of the craziest things to have happen I think. This happened way back in October and took about a month before we could put it behind us. One of the main reasons I was tired of my job in Salt Lake was because of the drive. It made the day so much longer than it needed to be. And after this experience I did not want to do it again. One day I was driving home from Salt Lake on the freeway, headed south. There is a big barrier separating the north bound and south bound freeway. All of a sudden Something hits my windshield and I closed my eyes and I heard a Thunk! in the backseat. I opened my eyes and there was glass everywhere and my windshield was toast. I was so blessed to be able to get all the way over from the left lane to the exit that was right there. I was crying and didn't know what to do. I called my dad and he told me to call 911. When the Highway Patrolman got there, he knew exactly what had happened when he saw what it was that hit my windshield (pictures are below). A semi driving north bound, on the opposite side of the freeway, was the cause of the accident. A lug nut from the semi had popped off the wheel and flew across the freeway at about 70 mph and went over the barrier, into my windshield and backseat, missing my head by 1-2 inches. He was able to tie it together because further along his tire popped off and hit a car behind him! I was so blessed to walk away from that with only some cuts from the shattered glass. They had to tow my car because I couldn't drive it with that big shattered glass getting in the way of seeing the road. It took me several weeks to get the trucker's insurance to do anything! Finally a guy at my new job called them and he finally got things rolling for me. I got a rental car for about a week and a half and then my car was finally fixed! It was just a simple windshield that would have taken just a couple days at most for them to fix but because they dragged their feet about it they ended up having to pay over $2,000 for the towing, storage, and new windshield. And who knows what they had to pay for the car that got hit by the tire! It was a tough month of only having one car, but we were also very blessed that right when this happened I started my new job in Orem which is much, much closer than Salt Lake and my schedule worked well with Greg's so he was able to drop me off and pick me up. And now a few months later... We're back to one barely working car. Thankfully Greg's car hasn't gone out yet and is almost all fixed. I can't wait to be done with all the car problems! I'm also glad that Greg is able to fix little things in cars and that he has a good friend who will give us great deals on the big stuff! It is so nice to have a mechanic you can trust.

                                                                 Here is the lug nut!
Good thing this came in at an angle because that's right where my head goes!

Yep it caused an actual hole


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