Lots of Firsts, New Things, and the World Cup

The last few weeks have been filled with lots of new experiences and first times of lots of stuff. We have had tons of fun! These aren't going to be in any sort of order because my memory isn't that good, too hard to remember what came first. I'll get the bad news out of the way first. The World Cup is going on and it is so fun! Until the team you're cheering for doesn't even make it out of their group... Way to go Spain... Greg served his mission in Spain and in the last world cup I was cheering for them even before knowing him so that was fun for us both to cheer for them, even though they lost... On to happier things! I got my first plant! It's a basil plant and I am so excited to have fresh basil whenever I want! I am worried I'm going to kill it though because I've never had a plant before... I also got a smart phone. I had a lovely brick phone that lasted a long time but we finally decided it was time to put it to rest. Greg had a smartphone also but it was an old one so we were both excited for new phones.

Here is my brick next to my box for my MotoX
I also went to the drive-in for the first time! We saw X-Men Days of Future Past and The Other Woman. I loved both. But also just loved the environment. Cuddling up in blankets with snacks always is fun, but throw in 2 movies and good friends and it makes it even better.

The awesome people we get to call friends
This last week my co-worker in Texas, Tiffany, flew to Utah to train me for my new position. It was great having her here. My boss brought lunch in every day for us and he went out to dinner one night to Cheesecake Factory. I love eating out!! I just loved it. When we were downtown for dinner we also went and walked around Temple Square and it was beautiful.
The temple looks so beautiful
We've been trying to not just sit and watch Netflix all night. So, we decided to start going for walks every night. We found that we live not very far from the Provo River Parkway. It is so beautiful. So green and the sound of the river is so peaceful. Yesterday the weather was cool enough that we could go before dinner and it was perfect! The Parkway goes right by DI and so the other night we decided to just go look around. I have only even been in DI like 4 times. I actually ended up finding some really cute shirts for way cheap! I was very excited because I really need professional summer clothes for work. My first DI purchase!

Perhaps the most exciting thing to have happened recently was that my best friend from high school, Zach, got home from his mission!! It was so great to see him!! We spent the whole night with him the day after he got home. We watched Wreck it Ralph which none of had seen. What a cute movie!! I loved it!! I was glad that he had grown on his mission but hadn't changed. He was still Zach.
The top is me, Zach, and Ashley and then bottom is Greg, Zach, me
Oh! We also got to go to California Memorial Day weekend. My cousin Jacoby who is 6 weeks older than I am came home from his mission so we went out to see him. We had so much fun! We went to Muir Woods and it was really cool!We love doing stuff with family.

It's hard to tell how tall they were, but man were they tall!

Me and Greg with my hilarious uncle Ben

I love this picture! We all wanted to swim while we were at Ben and Darlyn's house but we didn't find time. Except at 6 A.M. Monday morning before we left. I got up at 6 to swim with, from left to right, Payton, my sister, Annie, our second cousin, and Eliza, my cousin, Jacoby's little sister. It was so fun! Definitely woke me up thanks to the chill water.

We have been so busy but have had so much fun! This weekend we're going on our first camping trip of the summer, can't wait!


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