February so far

I can't believe how quickly February has gone. I feel like we were just watching the Super Bowl yesterday. Greg was extremely nervous for the Super Bowl since his Patriots were playing. I wish we could have recorded Greg when Butler caught the interception at the end of the game. He jumped up and down cheering, and screaming. It was so funny! I think a few of us came close to crying from laughing so hard. He is so cute! We had a great time watching the game not just because Greg was so funny to watch during the game. But we also had lots of good food and lots of fun people to watch with. It was lots of fun!

The next Sunday we had dinner at Grandma Jo's with a lot of cousins and it was great! We love getting together with everyone! Grandma always has a ton of delicious food and I love it!

The next weekend we kept busy and had a ton of fun! Friday night we went to dinner with my best friend from high school, Zach. We went to Popeye's, I'm a big fan of Popeye's! Then we watched Ghostbusters, which I'd never seen before. I know, I know, it's a classice, but I've seen it now so all is right with the world. Saturday was Valentine's Day and I decided I really didn't want to go out to dinner that night because we live in Provo and there are so many couples down here. It gets crazy down here. We had such a great day! We slept in and Greg made breakfast, my favourite, pancakes and bacon! After that we went and grabbed lunch at this new place in Provo called Baked. It was so good! If you like Kneader's, you will love Baked! I love Kneader's but I think I might have liked Baked even more. We got our food and we drove up Provo Canyon and ate lunch up there. It was great. We hiked for a while and then came back home. I made dinner and it was so fun to cook fancy food! Well, fancy for us! I made the Pioneer Woman's Parmesan Risotto and it was delicious! Creamy and cheesy and it was great. I also made my own baked cedar plank salmon (recipe below). After dinner we watched Friends all night. I know, we're so exciting right? We actually don't really get time to just sit down and watch TV so it was such a nice break! We normally have Church at 9 but this last Sunday there was a stake conference in our building so our meeting got moved to 1. I don't love church at 1 but it was nice to get a break from waking up early on Sunday. The weather was so nice after church so we went for a long walk and I loved it! I wish we had more of a winter but the weather is too good to complain. We've had a great few weeks! I love that my sweet husband is willing have chill nights at home. He is the best!

Salmon Recipe:
4 4 oz Salmon Fillets
Salt and pepper
Olive Oil
2 cedar planks
Submerge the cedar planks in water for at least 2 hours. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Drizzle olive oil on both cedar planks. Slice up lemons and limes. Salt and pepper one side of the salmon. Place a lemon slice and then a lime slice and repeat on a cedar plank. Place a fillet on top of the slices. Repeat with all the fillets and put in the oven. Baked for about 20 minutes or until fish flakes.


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