Jazz Game

For Christmas, Greg got me tickets to a Jazz game that was going to be in January. I love, love, love going to Jazz games! Jazz fans are seriously the best, the environment at the games is so much fun and full of anticipation and excitement, I love it! The game was on the 28th and waiting for it felt like it would never come! Finally it did come... and I felt awful. At least 2 people I am around frequently have been sick since December and I thought I'd escaped it, but of course I didn't. I'd felt sick that whole week but that wasn't going to stop me missing my game! Thank you ibuprofen and antibiotics! Greg even took me to Panda before the game which is one of my favourite restaurants, so the night was already off to a great start. We got to Energy Solutions Arena early enough to watch the players warm up and all the fun beginning stuff they do. The game was really intense and we played great, but it wasn't enough sadly. We lost to the Clippers by 5 points, it was so close! Fanzz in the arena was selling Jazz shirts for $10 so we of course had to get one each. You can never have enough Jazz shirts! It was a great night and we had a blast! Merry Christmas to me!


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