
Life has been a whirlwind of activity lately. Seriously so much has happened in the last couple of weeks and it's only just beginning. Greg has been applying for grad schools and early in January we heard from 2 schools wanting interviews with him! We were thrilled! We didn't think we'd be hearing back for at least another month so we knew he was a top candidate for both of those schools. It was very exciting. For a minute. Then it was just... nothing. We didn't hear anything from other schools for weeks! It was torture! A couple of rejections came (your loss UT Austin, Michigan and Stanford), and finally the first interview came. Greg had 2 Skype interviews with ASU and those went well. But then it was just more waiting... This whole process has been one small exciting moment followed by nothingness... It's been hard to really enjoy the present when we've literally been waiting since all the applications were submitted in December. Then we found out Greg was wait listed for ASU. Which was good and bad. Good that if someone dropped out he'd probably get an offer but bad because it wasn't an offer. And we still had to wait for the interview with Boston College! More waiting... But since Greg had to fly out to Boston for the interview and it would be our first night apart in almost 3 years of marriage, I wasn't really looking forward to it. But at the same time I wanted it to be over so there wouldn't be more waiting! Such a complex array of emotions. The day finally came though... The day started super early because of an early flight. And I of course cried my eyes out after dropping Greg off at the airport (we're going to blame that on only 4 hours of sleep so I don't seem totally pathetic).
There he goes

Since he was flying most of the day we didn't get to talk much which made my day at work feel sooo long! At the end of the day I was feeling a little better because I knew Greg would be landing soon and we'd be able to talk again. Plus, my wonderful cousin, Jessica, was going to spend the night with me to keep me distracted! Isn't she the sweetest? And that meant that we would get to cook together which is one of my favourite things! We decided to be ultra fancy and made this amazing roasted tomato risotto and some seared chicken breasts. Spoiler alert, it was delicious!

Jess was so great and let me talk out all my feelings and made sure we had so much fun! Dinner, ice cream, and Sydney White. After staying up way too late like the good ol' days, it was time to sleep! Fortunately I had only slept about 9 hours total in the previous 2 nights so I was out fast! Still had to wake up early for work, but I was glad the worst was behind me! Greg was coming home on Friday! Not until late, but I was excited! After work I picked up Jess again and we got started on making pizza for dinner. My cousin Gage and his wife Kerstin had asked us to babysit Nixon and we of course said yes! He is too cute for words. The poor guy was teething though so I'm not sure he had the best time, but it made him very cuddly which was so great, but also had a downside. It's hard to make pizza and hold a kid. So Jess and I tag teamed and switched off cooking and holding Nixon. It was great! Our pizza was delicious and Nixon was so cute so it was a successful night! And then before I knew it, I was off to Salt Lake! I stopped at my parent's house for a little bit before going to the airport. The airport was slammed! Who knew so many flights got in at midnight? Greg's flight was delayed... But not by much. Sounds like he had a great time! He loved Boston. And the full day of interviews went well. It was great to have him home! It was just more waiting after that though... We had a fun weekend and tried not to think about the pending decision of Boston College. Before we knew it, on Wednesday, Greg got an email from Boston College. I wasn't expecting a decision so fast! It was a relief to have some sort of direction, but I also wasn't prepared for the rejection or acceptance haha. I told you, this has been a confusing process. When Greg told me he was accepted, I had so many emotions. Excitement, nervousness, and I was so proud of Greg! We took a couple of days to think about it before accepting, but pretty much from the time Greg was in Boston for the interview, he felt like that was the right choice for us. So Friday, Greg sent in his acceptance! Just like that. I thought the hard part was over. But turns out moving across the country is a pain in the butt. And renting in Boston is ridiculous. Especially when you're trying to rent from across the country. It's going to be a crazy few months for sure, but we are so excited! I'm pretty sure all we've talked about for the last couple of weeks has been about Boston or moving, so sorry if you've had to spend time with us or will spend time with us in the future because we have a problem. We're just so excited! Here's to all the craziness ahead!


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