First Boston Spring

The weekend we got back from Maine it hit 80+ degrees so we were thinking, "wow it's warming up early here!" And then 2 days later it was back to 60 and rainy and we've stayed around 50-60 degrees with just spots of sunshine. Which I must admit, I am loving!! When we're sitting consistently at 70-80 degrees in May it makes me dread the summer that's coming because that's just too hot. So I'll keep the grey, drizzly, cool weather for now. Everything is in bloom now and it's just beautiful when it's raining. Now that Greg is done with classes for the year, we've had a lot more time to go for walks and enjoy beautiful Massachusetts. People always called Utah a desert and I didn't really get that because hello, we have trees in Utah! But now I get it. It is so green here compared to Utah. It's astounding really. Aside from the gorgeous scenery here, we're also loving Greg being done with his first year of grad school! He's still keeping busy with research projects and writing, but it's so awesome having him working for 8-9 hours a day instead of 10-12 hours a day. We've really taken advantage of all his extra time. We've walked all around BC's campus:

We've explored our neighbourhood more and walked around the reservoir a lot

We've seen lots of movies recently (thanks to my grandparents for the gift cards!) and enjoyed walking around the theater district downtown

We took advantage of Bank of America's Museum on Us program to go to the Museum of Fine Arts and see the Botticelli exhibit there. The train on the way there was free, entrance to the museum was free, so the day was off to a great start! The exhibit was fantastic! We saw works by him and other artists from the same period. One of my favourite parts was seeing a copy of The Divine Comedy that Botticelli himself illustrated. We also spent some time in a few of the other exhibits and then we headed out for lunch. Spanish food is one of our favourite cuisines. Greg came to love Spanish food on his mission and has introduced me to it. Tapas is the best way to eat! You can try a few bites of a whole bunch of different dishes. We had 2 Spanish restaurants within walking distance from us! 2! In Utah there's like one Spanish place in the whole state. We had some chorizo of course, sizzling shrimp in spicy olive oil, a delicious pasta dish with a pesto and manchego cheese, and shrimp croquettes. So good! And the restaurant was so Spanish. It was great. We stopped for some ice cream at the famous Emack and Bolio's which was great! We were pretty tired at this point from all the walking, so we were a little relieved when the movie we wanted to see was sold out so we could go home and veg the rest of the day!

This last weekend we celebrated Greg officially being done with classes. We've done a lot of celebrating but that's ok. Greg found a great deal for a prix fixe dinner at a French restaurant so we went Saturday night for that. The restaurant was in a hotel right next to the Boston Tea Party museum and ship on the water. We had a seat right by the window. The restaurant was done completely in a French country style so I was loving it! The bread they brought out was sooo good! I love good bread... I had a salad with an herbes de Provence dressing over greens, cucumbers, carrot ribbons, radish shavings, and sunflower seeds. Greg had a pea salad with snap peas, peas, pea shoots, cripsy prosciutto and coconut goat cheese. I don't like peas, but that was a good salad.

Greg had an orange glazed salmon over an orzo risotto that was delicious! I had a hanger steak with an herb butter and truffle fries. It was all so good! And we got to eat like the French. The whole meal took almost 2 hours and I was loving every second of it!

For dessert there were 2 options, a chocolate mousse trifle with brownie chunks and peanut butter and then a Boston Creme Pie with Bailey's Irish cream gelato. We both chose the trifle, but since we didn't get the wine that came with the dinner, out waiter brought us the Boston Creme Pie to try with vanilla ice cream to replace the gelato. It was so rich so we couldn't finish either desert but they were insanely good. I'd go just for the trifle again.

We're still waiting for the weather to clear up enough to enjoy all that Massachusetts has to offer, but we're pretty happy with all that we've done indoors so far. 


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