Prince Edward Island

I can't even count how many times I have read Anne of Green Gables. This book feels as real to me as Harry Potter, which if you've read Harry Potter, you know what I'm talking about. I think I was 10 the first time I read it and I learned that there was a real Green Gables in Prince Edward Island and I've wanted to go ever since. When I realized that for Canada's 150th birthday all national parks were free, including the Green Gables house, I knew I had to go. And bonus! I found we only live 9.5 hours from it! And as an extra, extra bonus, the exchange rate in Canada was big time in our favour so it felt like everything we would buy up there would be on sale! It was just meant to be I guess.

Friday morning we got up and headed out. We got a later start than we wanted because we didn't realize we'd be changing time zones but we still had a good, uneventful drive. We stayed in this great B&B that was an old house built in the late 1800's. It was darling! And the breakfast we had each morning was delicious too! It was perfectly located in downtown Charlottetown so we could walk to most of the restaurants and everything we wanted to see there. It was sort of like downtown Provo, small and lots of cute old buildings. Much more diverse and better food though.

Our B&B

Saturday morning we got up and headed to Cavendish to the Green Gables House! The drive took a little over half an hour and it was beautiful! All the dirt is red, the trees and grass are green, and the dandelions that grow rampant are the perfect pop of yellow with everything.

And then we were there!

We got up the road, parked, and headed up to the house. It was so cute! All white with green trim and the little garden around the edges. We went in and watched a little video about L.M. Montgomery and Anne and then we went over to the house and walked through it. There were so many little details from the book put in and it made my heart so happy! There was Marilla's black shawl and amethyst brooch in her room, Anne's cracked slate and first puffed sleeve dress in her room, and it was just perfect. We walked out to the Haunted Wood, which I am pretty sure was Greg's favourite part, and enjoyed all the trees and small brooks. After the Haunted Wood we headed to Lover's Lane. It was just perfect. The birds were chirping, the rain held off, the water was gurgling, and it smelled soo good with all the trees and flowers. We took so many pictures but they really don't do justice to these woods.

This is the wood bridge to the Haunted Wood

The Haunted Wood and Lover's Lane were just glorious!

We headed up to the little Cafe they had there and got us some Raspberry Cordials. They were delicious and didn't set us drunk like poor Diana.

We drove back to Charlottetown, enjoying the drive the whole way, and then we went to explore downtown a little. We had "the best ice cream in Canada" at Cow's and it was indeed, extra tasty! We walked around the mall and then we went to a pub for supper. It was an Irish pub and we had an Irish waitress which was excellent! I had fish and chips and they were excellent! Can't go to PEI without getting seafood!

On Sunday we got up and went to Sacrament meeting. I loved hearing all the Canadian accents! We stopped to get more ice cream on the way home and then we walked to the Basilica and went in. It was a beautiful church!I love walking through the cathedrals when we travel

We walked down to the water and then decided to go for a drive through the countryside.

On our way back, we stopped and got some chocolate to bring home and then headed back into town for supper. We went to this great pizza place that does certified Neapolitan pizza in a 900 degree wood burning oven. No exaggeration, this was the best pizza I've ever had. I got the Diavola pizza which had tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella and soppressata, caramelized onions and chili flakes. Greg got the Dolce e Fumoso which had a roasted garlic cream sauce, smoked cheese, chili flakes, crispy proscuitto, and a drizzle of honey. The crust was perfect and everything on top was so good!

We had a long drive home thanks to all the traffic from Memorial Day but we made it home full of lovely pictures from the beautiful Island!


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