
A couple of years ago Greg and I went to Vancouver for the Academy of Management. It's a conference they have every year in Greg's field. This year the academy was in Atlanta which we honestly weren't too excited about, but I still wanted to tag along. Even though it'd be hot and humid, we love checking out new places together.

We were stressing a little big getting to the airport because thanks to some slow trains/traffic, we were barely going to get to our gate before they started boarding. We should have known we didn't need to stress because we always have delays when we fly. Sure enough, we didn't take off until 2 hours after we were supposed to. There was a lot of turbulence on the flight too so by the time we finally landed in Atlanta, we were relieved. Greg stayed busy learning lots and I kept busy with some work. We went out to dinner the first night we were there with the other guys in Greg's cohort and Marie, Gabriel's girlfriend. We waited about 25 minutes to get seated and ordered pretty much as soon as we sat down. 45 minutes later we still had no food... Turns out they'd lost our ticket so we got some free appetizers while we waited and finally we got our food. We also got free desserts to share so even though we'd been starving, they definitely made up for the mistake.

The next day Greg had to get going early but I got to take my time in the morning. I got a great workout in, got ready for the day, checked out the park by us and read in the park for a while and had Chick-fil-a for lunch. Chick-fil-a is headquartered in Atlanta so of course I had to eat it a bunch while we were there. After almost 10,000 steps before 3 in the afternoon I thought I deserved a nap. So I headed back, got a half nap in and finished my book. After Greg's day we met up with some people from his school and hung out in the park for a little. They had a cool little light show at the splash pad that was fun and then some of us went to go on the Ferris wheel next to the park, but the line was super long so we just met up with everyone else at the bar.

We went to Church the next day and accidentally went to the Spanish branch which was great for Greg haha. He whisper translated to me and it was a great meeting. We stopped for a quick BBQ lunch before Greg had to go back for some stuff. We spent some time in the park in the afternoon after he was done, but we weren't out for very long before it poured on us. We waited for the rain to let up a little and then we headed back to the hotel. Greg took a nap before we went to some parties. The best was that we were able to get in to the aquarium there for one of the parties! The aquarium in Atlanta is the biggest in the states but it was pretty expensive to get in and then we found out we got to get in for free! They had some great food there and everything to see there was really cool.

We saw dolphins, sharks, a white alligator, sea otters, turtles, penguins, rays, jellyfish and so many cool fish. It was a blast! It was more or less the same thing the last full day we were there and then on the last morning we were there, Greg did his presentation and we headed to the airport. We had one last stop at Chick-fil-a and amazingly, our flight took off on time! It was a pretty smooth flight and we were so glad to be home in New England where it was 15 degrees cooler and half as humid as in Atlanta.


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