End of Summer

I have a serious love/hate relationship with Boston summers. The days where it's 80 degrees or hotter are so miserable. The humidity is killer when it gets that hot. You're constantly sticky and feel like you're suffocating. I shouldn't complain too much after being in Atlanta in August because their humidity was seriously twice as bad as ours here. But it's still pretty crappy. Compared to all the positives of Boston summers, it shouldn't sound like that big of a deal, but I HATE the heat and humid heat is something I hate even more than just the regular Utah heat. Like I said though, there are so many awesome things about summer here!
  • Lots of students go home for the summer! We drive right past BU on our way to church and with 1 o'clock church during the school year it would take us about 30 minutes to get to church and during summer it only takes about 20 minutes!
  • There are so many free activities-movies/concerts in the parks, reenactments, Red Sox events, etc.
  • Everything stays green here all summer long! 
  • They blast the AC on the trains 
  • Great places to swim
  • Free tennis courts
  • And perhaps most importantly, Greg didn't have classes so he had a normal 9-5 schedule during the summer (mostly)! 
School's starting again on Monday for Greg so we'll be back to the #gradschoolwidow life. I'm going back to school too and will start the following Tuesday so hopefully that helps keep me busy!

They showed the Sox vs Yankees game at the Common

And look at all the free food we scored!

Walden Pond

It really is so beautiful here


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