London Day 2

I think this second day in London was my favourite. Even though I was really tired from not getting enough sleep, thanks again Freezing Room, we saw so many great things on Tuesday. First we went to Tower of London and it set my history nerd side tingling with excitement. The Tower of London is where countless people throughout history have been imprisoned and where quite a few of them died, read executed. The list of prisoners includes several French and Scottish kings, Guy Fawkes, some of Henry VIII's wives, Richard III's nephews who he imprisoned and then they seemingly disappeared. We saw the tower room where the missing princes disappeared and where Anne Boleyn was beheaded. On top of seeing all that, we also got to see the Crown Jewels (no pictures allowed sadly) and armor from throughout history. As we left we walked over and saw Tower Bridge.

The entrance

Torture Chamber

The adorable houses where the Tower Guards still live

Where Anne Boleyn was beheaded

Where the Crown Jewels are housed

Tower Bridge

Some original foundation from the 11th century I believe

We headed to Westminster Abbey after this and after our whole trip, I think that was my favourite part of the whole trip. Outside, the Abbey was so beautiful. When we got inside we found out we could get free audio guides which I love! And to make it even better, Jeremy Irons was the one doing the audio guide! He has the BEST voice. Unfortunately we couldn't take pictures inside. Every detail was beautiful. And again, my history nerd side was freaking out. We saw the resting places of so many people I've read so much about, like Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, but most importantly Queen Mary, Elizabeth I and Mary Queen of Scots. I am a huge admirer of these women from the age of Queens. After the Abbey, we stopped at the Laughing Halibut for fish and chips and oh my word were they good. I found out about the Laughing Halibut thanks to Pinterest and good thing! We still talk about how good the fish and chips were.

We hurried to head down to Hampton Court Palace to make sure we could get there in time to actually see it before they closed. And we did make it! Yay! This was another one of my favourites. Hampton Court Palace was one of Henry VIII's palaces. The palace was amazing. The details were all there, plus there were people dressed in period costume!

The first gate we saw for Hampton Court

Couldn't even fit the whole palace in one picture

The man himself

Period costumes!

This was the section of Henry's kitchens

The view as we were walking back to the train

When we got back into London, we stopped at a little market and grabbed some soup, salad and crumpets (had to try them!) to have supper back at our hotel. After supper we hurried up the road to the CUTEST cake shop, Peggy Porschen's, before it closed. We got there just in time to grab a slice of cake to go for my early birthday cake. We got the chocolate one and it was soo good!

Easy to see why this was my favourite day isn't it?


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