London Day 3-The Cotswolds

Tuesday was another mostly sleepless night for me which was a bummer. There was good news though! When I woke up for good at about 5:30, it was my birthday! And when I woke up I discovered the Dolphins beat the Patriots! Happy birthday to me! When I deemed it late enough to wake Greg up (6:30 is late enough right?), we had breakfast and got packed up. Our B&B was nice enough to let us leave our bags at the front desk after we checked out so we didn't have to carry our stuff all day until we made it to our next stop which was so great of them. We headed over to Buckingham Palace first. We didn't plan to see the changing of the guards so this was a fairly uneventful stop other than marveling at the size of the palace.

Us and my pal Queen Victoria

After checking out Buckingham we headed over to check out Big Ben. There were two disappointing things about Big Ben. One, we realized as we walked over there that the day before when we'd been at Westminster we could have taken 15 minutes and walked and seen Big Ben. Not very efficient at all. Two, Big Ben was all covered up so we didn't really get to see it. But something to cross off the list either way.

We then took the train to Kensington and I was so hoping for a glimpse of Will and Kate, but alas... Kensington was really cool though! Hyde Park is right there so we walked in Hyde Park for a bit after seeing the Palace. And at the Palace they currently had an exhibit about Diana up which I loved! It was just a bunch of her dresses so Greg pretty much sat on a bench while I read every plaque for every dress, but since it was my birthday I guess he didn't mind indulging me.

Gates at Kensington

I guess technically we did get a glimpse of them

It might seem kind of lame, but I wanted to stop at McDonald's for a small lunch before we headed to the Cotswolds for afternoon tea/our Airbnb that night. Before you make assumptions about me, let me just tell you that at McDonald's in England they had chocolate orange McFlurrys! You know those amazing chocolate oranges we all stock up on at the holidays? Yes, those were in a McFlurry! So we go, order our food and after they bring us our food we find out the machine isn't working. What a let down! They brought us shakes instead but it still wasn't a chocolate orange McFlurry. We headed back to London to get our things and head out to the Cotswolds. We had a bit of sticker shock when we saw the cost of a round trip train ticket for both of us would be about $90. But there wasn't really anything we could do. So we got our tickets and headed to the train. I took a little nap on the train, but what I did see of the countryside was beautiful! We got to Moreton-in-Marsh and had a fun (cough, cough not fun) walk in the snow and ice to our Airbnb. Our hostess was the nicest little English lady and we had the cutest little apartment to stay in. We pretty much had to drop our stuff and walk into town right away though to make our reservation for afternoon tea. We had tea at the cutest little tea room and I was loving every second of the experience. We had a pot of peppermint tea first and then a pot of lemon ginger. There were little tea sandwiches, whatever the cook felt like making, and everything was so good! We weren't sure what everything was but it was all tasty! And we had scones and clotted cream and jam of course. Oh clotted cream... It doesn't sound appealing, at least Greg didn't think so, but it's to die for! Thick, creamy, slightly sweet... Don't miss out on it if you go to the UK! We also got same cake to bring back to our Airbnb with us.

We went back to our Airbnb and cuddled up with all the blankets we could find (does no one believe in heat in the UK?) and watched Skyfall, because did you really take a trip to England if you don't watch James Bond while you're there? We wanted to catch the earliest train to Oxford so we went to bed pretty early and, hallelujah! I slept almost the whole night! Only woke up once for a few minutes and went back to sleep!


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