Football and Yummy Chicken

We love football! Now that our landlady finally got our cable worked out we watch football almost all day Sunday after Church, Monday night, Thursday night and try to watch the BYU games. This last Saturday was the BYU homecoming game and we were really excited to watch it! But something amazing happened! My grandma, she and my grandpa have season tickets every year, phoned me Saturday afternoon to see if we wanted their tickets because they were going to be able to make it. !!! We of course said yes and couldn't wait for 8:15 for the game. Grandma and Grandpa took us out to dinner first and gave us the tickets at dinner. It was great to see them and the food was delicious! Thank you Magleby's! The energy in the stadium was crazy and it was so fun to yell and scream and go crazy. Sadly... BYU lost... But it was still a blast!

PS my grandparents have awesome seats! 30 yard line, 10th row!

I have a love hate relationship with Church at 9. It is so hard to get up for early Church, but I love getting home at 12! I can actually cook instead of having to find fairly quick recipes. I found this recipe for Herb and Citrus Roasted Chicken thanks to Pinterest and I really wanted to try it out but I would never have time on a week night. I made it last night and man was it yummy! It was easy, extremely flavourful, and since I used thighs, the skin was nice and crispy on it. Mmmmm.... I love that!

I didn't even take a picture of the finished product because it smelled so good, we couldn't wait! Usually I end up changing recipes I find but I didn't change anything and it was perfect. A definite Pinterest success! And bonus, chicken thighs are cheap and I love that! For dessert I made apple crisp which really put the cherry on top for me. We love apple crisp. So gooey and warm and crumbly... I am so glad it is finally cool enough that I can leave my oven on for an hour to roast chicken and still bake something after!


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