Greg's Birthday and Canadian Thanksgiving

Greg's birthday was on Wednesday! I love birthdays! We had a lot of fun! Wednesday we actually got to spend a lot of time together which never happens on a week day. Thursday Greg's family came down and took us out to dinner and that was great. Friday we had a party and it was really fun! I am mad I forgot to take pictures though. I tried a couple new recipes and they were really good. I made a gooey chocolate cake in the crockpot from here. I used the suggestion to use mint chips instead of chocolate chips and it was delicious. I also made Chicken Lettuce Wraps from here. I love her website. I have made a lot of things from her blog and they have all been amazing. Saturday we went downtown and walked around Temple Square which was awesome. I have never been in fall except once for Conference but it was snowing so I don't count that. It was beautiful. We planned to eat at a Spanish restaurant but when we showed up turns out they don't open until 5 on Saturdays. So we went to Cheesecake Factory instead which was delicious so I'm not sad. After we came home and got in pj's and watched Count of Monte Cristo. I love chill nights at home! I actually took pictures Saturday!

Sunday we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with my family. It was great! My grandma outdid herself. Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce, green beans, a fruit plate, and 3 different kinds of pie, I was in heaven! After dinner we played some games. Again I forgot to take pictures, bummer!


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