2nd Anniversary

Today is our second anniversary! I can't believe it! We've had a blast together. There have been some hard times of course, but there isn't anyone I'd rather go through everything with than Greg. He is just the best. So kind and patient and loving and funny and just great. I have to brag about him for a minute. He is my favourite person. He is so intelligent and always willing to discuss political, religious, and pretty much every other topic under the sun with me. Greg always humours me and watches cheesy movies with me even though he won't like them. One time he even went and borrowed Cyrano de Bergerac from the library and watched it with me because I told him I loved it. It had subtitles and everything and he sat and watched with me. Greg has made me pancakes late at night because I wanted some but was too tired to make them. So he let me sit on Pinterest and he made pancakes for me. He missed his favourite class once to come change my flat tire and then drove me to Salt Lake for work. He is always willing to help with laundry, cooking, cleaning, and he always does the dishes because he knows I hate doing them. He lets me fal asleep on his chest every night because I love it. Greg will always make me laugh whenever I'm stressed about something, when I'm sad, and he makes it's so difficult to stay mad at him because he just makes me laugh even when I'm mad. I'm so lucky to get to spend the rest of my life with someone so fun. I still can't believe my luck.

On Saturday we had planned to go to the Springville Museum of Art and go for a hike. But since Greg was still getting over his cold and we were both tired from our drive, we decided to sleep in and spend the day at home doing nothing and exchange gifts. It was glorious! Greg got me a new purse, a necklace, and a pair of shoes. He spoils me! Greg also surprised me with a reservation at Market Street Grill for dinner. I love seafood! I love Market Street Grill! It was delicious of course. And for dessert I even got to try creme brulee! I've wanted to try that since I ever heard about it. It was delicious! I am a big fan. So creamy and light with that wonderful caramelized, hard top. After dinner, we went for a little walk around the Jordan River Parkway. The sunset was amazing and the weather was perfect. It felt good to walk off a little bit of dinner too. We made a snap decision to go see a movie after that. We went and saw Cinderella. Oh my gosh I loved it!! It was so magical and great. I can't say enough good things about it. It was beautifully filmed, the acting was great, and I loved the message. We stayed up too late after the movie talking and had a hard time waking up for Church but it was worth it. We went to Church and had a great Sacrament Meeting. And since it was the fifth Sunday, we got to be together for the third hour. We have a new Bishop so he and his wife did our "lesson." It was great! They introduced themselves and I am really excited to have them in our ward. We loved our old Bishop and were sad he's gone, but that's life.

After Church, I got to cook a ton! I made one of my favourite pasta dishes, my mom's own recipe. She named it Bowtie Pasta because it was the first time she used bowtie noodles. Since asparagus is in season, this is the best time to make it. It's chicken, bacon, asparagus, mushrooms, garlic and basil in a cream sauce over noodles. So yummy! For dinner I made tilapia in olive oil, salt, pepper, and Herbes de Provence. We had brown rice and roasted asparagus with it. I just love good food. This was such a fun weekend and finishing it off with a good meal at home with my favourite person was the perfect way to end it!

Dinner at Market Street Grill

My delicious creme brulee!

We tried to get a good picture with the sunset in the background but we couldn't quite get it...

And this is the bowtie pasta!

 Bowtie Pasta Recipe

Large package sliced mushrooms
3tbsp butter
1lb asparagus, cut into 1" pieces
4 to 6slices cooked bacon, sliced
3or more cloves garlic, chopped
3tbsp fresh basil, chopped
Some leftover chicken
2tbsp cream
1/4cup grated Parmesan cheese
1lb farfalle pasta


1.Put on large pot of water to boil for pasta
2.Sauté mushrooms in butter over medium-high heat
3.When water boils add pasta to water. Also add asparagus to mushrooms
4.When pasta is almost done add bacon, chicken, and garlic to mushrooms and asparagus
5.Drain pasta
6.Add cream and cheese to mushrooms, etc. Stir to combine and add basil at the end and give a quick stir.


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