Spontaneous Excursion and Stake Conference

This last weekend was a blast! After a really fun weekend I always find myself wishing the weekend was one day longer. Friday for lunch I went and had sushi and I loved it! I was surprised how full I got from it, but I loved it! After work Friday I was super tired so I took a late nap hoping I would only sleep for half an hour... Of course I slept longer than that because that half hour power nap thing does not work for me. So 7:30 rolled around and I finally woke up. Greg and I didn't really have any plans but I was still bummed I slept for 2 hours! While I was asleep Greg made plans with our friends Shannon and Jonathon. So we took twenty minutes and got our stuff together and drove to their house to hang out. We watched Now You See Me while we were there. I really liked it! There were some good twists in it. Since we had plans Saturday in West Valley we decided to just stay at my parents' house rather than drive back to Provo when we left so we went and stayed the night at my parents'. Saturday morning we went to Kneader's with my family and had breakfast there. I love Kneader's breakfast! Everything I have had is so good! I had plans with some girlfriends for lunch. We had some fancy, yummy food and it was great! Greg was at his parents' while I was at lunch. I went over after lunch and we got to hang out with his family for a bit. We were going to go back to Provo after that but it was about dinner time so my parents took us to Iggy's for dinner. It was really good! I had Parmesan crusted tilapia and Cajun fries. I love Cajun fries! Greg got a pulled pork burger that was huge and looked delicious. After dinner we got our stuff together and started driving back home. We decided to take another spontaneous trip to downtown Salt Lake. So we went north instead of south at I-15 and had a spur of the moment excursion! We went to City Creek and walked around for a bit. We went into The Limited, a store I love. I've been needing dress pants pretty badly but hadn't had time to go shopping. They were having a sale on already cheap dress pants so I ended up getting 2 pairs of pants and got a screaming deal on them! They were each originally $79.96 and we paid just under $27 for both. I was very happy!

We went and got some ice cream and walked around a bit more before we left to go back home. If you ever get a chance to get ice cream at Farr's I highly recommend it, so good! Everything was delicious and creamy! It was a fun trip.

Sunday we had stake conference. At first I was really excited that we would have church an hour later than normal since stake conference was going to be at 10, but then I remembered it was daylight savings... I wish we would just get rid of daylight savings. I hate the change! But we got up like normal Sunday morning. We loved our stake conference! It was an incredible meeting! We had Elder Munk from the quorum of the 70 at our stake conference. The Provo Temple President and matron, President and Sister Ashton, were also there. A couple from the stake spoke first. They spoke about doing genealogy and temple work. They did a great job. Our stake president, President Neiger, also spoke. He gave a great talk! There were some good testimonies shared as well. My favourite though was when Sister Ashton got up and spoke. She had so much energy and you could just tell she loves the Gospel. She spoke about the blessings of the Temple and having families. She then had President Ashton come up and he spoke a little about the temple as well. Elder Munk gave the last talk. He had a great talk and spoke a lot about marriage and relationships. It was just such a great meeting! I feel so refreshed and ready for the week ahead after Church. After stake conference we went for a walk. It was so nice outside! Then we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for Sunday dinner. Jessica came with a few friends and Tanner, who is my cousin? Second cousin?, it's all the same, and his wife Robin came. It was really fun! Grandma made pork tenderloin and we had applesauce with it. We also had potatoes, green beans, lots of fruit, and coconut macaroons and cookies for dessert! I don't think I have ever left Sunday dinner even a little bit hungry. We had a great weekend. I love spending so much time with Greg! I am so glad we have so much fun together and can make so many fun memories! We have been so lucky and blessed.


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