The Last Couple Weeks

The weather recently has been perfect! I'm sad we didn't have a longer winter, but it really has been great outside! I finally gave in and took down my winter decorations and put my new spring ones up. I'm really happy with out it turned out!

I was also so excited for March because my best friend growing up was coming home from her mission! I'm so glad we got to be there for Kaitlyn's homecoming! It was so great to see her! She was so beautiful and had the best spirit about her. And I am really excited because she is going to be moving down to Provo soon! Woo!

On Wednesday this last week, Greg and I drove up to Boise with my boss. An insurance company we work with is really great and puts on a couple days of classes a few times a year that agents and account executives can go to. The first one they did this year was in Boise and I thought it would be really good for me to go. When we first got up to Boise, we got settled in our room and then drove into downtown Boise and went to PF Chang's. I love PF Chang's! Thursday the classes started. I thought it was going to be really boring but it was actually really great! I learned a ton of stuff and met a lot of great people! They took great care of us. We went out to a really nice dinner Thursday night with everyone and it was lots of fun. They turned on March Madness games while we were there and we were all watching and talking about our brackets, it was a blast! My bracket fell to pieces after like the 3rd day of games in case you were wondering... Friday was the last day of class and then we headed back to Utah. We got stuck in traffic once we hit about Ogden and it took forever to get home! It was miserable... But we made it safely! Poor Greg has been sick since last Sunday so he spent most of the time in Boise resting in the hotel room. He still has a pretty bad cough but he is feeling considerably better. When we got back on Friday, Greg had to hurry and get to campus to take a test. After the test and after we'd been in the car all afternoon, we didn't feel like cooking so we were lazy and went and got Panda Express for dinner. Not that I'm complaining, because I love Panda Express!

Us at PF Chang's Wednesday night


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