April Adventures

I can't believe April is over already! It was a super busy month and we had a ton of fun! I love April because April means two things. It means Spring is coming! And that we get General Conference! I love being able to listen to the Prophet and apostles speak to us. It is so uplifting and is such a great spiritual recharge. The messages shared at Conference can be read here. I can't wait to go back and re read the talks! We were able to have my cousins, Jacoby and Jessica come over and watch Conference with us for some of it. It was great! For Priesthood session of Conference, we always go up to Salt Lake so Greg can go to Priesthood session with his dad and brother and I can hang out with my mom and sister. While Greg was at Priesthood, we went out to Smash Burger. It was my first time eating there and I. Loved. It. Their French Fries are so delicious! They have rosemary and garlic on them. So good. I got the Beehive Burger I think it was called? It had this amazing BBQ sauce on it, cheese, bacon, and crispy fried onion bits on it. I love a good burger! It was really fun to hang out with my family. And my parents had just bought a new car that day so it was fun to driver around in that!
Love my sister!
On Sunday we watched the rest of Conference and had Sunday dinner at Grandma's which was delicious as always! I had laryngitis at the beginning of April so that wasn't too fun, but the rest of April was much better!

My cousin Gage also got married in April! We got to go to his wedding and it was really nice. It was really beautiful and fun. They are so cute! Welcome to the family Kerstin!

I went to a craft day with some girl friends and we had a blast! It's always good to catch up with friends! I painted a couple canvases for my craft. I'm not very artistic so they didn't turn out great, but they do look good on the walls now that we finally hung them up. We rearranged our apartment this last weekend and got the canvases hung up and everything looks pretty good. It was a nice change.

This last weekend was so fun! We ate tons of great food, hiked, rearranged the apartment, and I got to spend the whole weekend with Greg which I always love! Friday night we went to dinner at a new Italian restaurant, Oregano Italian Kitchen, in Provo and it was delicious! I had pan-seared salmon with rice pilaf and loved it! Greg had this amazing basil and Parmesan crusted chicken and mashed potatoes. We shared a chocolate raspberry tiramisu and it was sooo good! After dinner, we started rearranging the apartment. Saturday morning we finished moving all the furniture, had breakfast, and then went for a hike. We went and hiked Battle Creek Falls in Pleasant Grove and it was really nice! It was a short hike, but it was pretty steep. We want to try and hike a lot now that the weather is so great. After hiking we went and had lunch at Baked Bakery Cafe in Provo. If you like Kneader's, you will love Baked! Everything I have had there has been delicious! I had a turkey pesto sandwich and a chocolate silk tart. So good! Then we went up to Salt Lake so we could have dinner with my parents and the missionaries. My dad grilled steak and asparagus and we did Jo's potatoes which I love! We also had corn and my Grandma Larsen's pineapple pistachio pudding "salad". After dinner my dad took us to see Avengers. LOVED IT! Since it was a late movie we got home late, which makes 9 o'clock church so hard to get up for. But Church was great still! After church we had a break the fast and it was an Italian themed one. There was tons of pasta, garlic bread, Cesar salad, and pizza! After church we hung up our pictures and the apartment was finally done! We went to Grandma's for Sunday dinner and man was it good! Grandma made pulled pork tacos. She really out did herself. 2 different kinds of tortillas, pineapple mango salsa, pico de gallo, refried beans, rice, guacamole, slaw, and a fruit plate. We had ice cream and homemade chocolate sauce for dessert. Everything was so good! We had so much fun in April and I am so glad Greg is done with school for a while so we can keep having fun!

After dinner Friday night, we went to this fancy olive oil, vinegar store. It's a really fun set up! All the barrels are full of different flavours of olive oil and balsamic vinegars and you can go and try all the different kinds!

My salmon in a lemon butter sauce, it was so good!

The tiramisu half eaten

These are pictures from our hike


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