Sundance and Mother's Day

Greg works with a professor at BYU and for the last couple of months they were working on organizing a conference for other academics to come to and present papers they were working on. The conference was a couple of weeks ago and it was held at Sundance Resort. We were lucky enough to get to stay a night up at the resort! It was so much fun! It was also gorgeous up there. The resort is tucked away in the mountains. And instead of it being a normal hotel like I was expecting, there were just a bunch of cabins all over and we got to stay in one! We went up Friday night and I got to meet a lot of the professors that came from all over for the conference. There were a lot of Europeans which I loved. I love Europeans. We had dinner there Friday night and then we got to walk around and explore. It was seriously so beautiful. I took a lot of pictures but it didn't really do the place justice.

This was the view from our balcony, it was great!

When we got to our little room I was extremely excited about it! We had a balcony, a fire place, a little kitchen, and it was great! On our walk up to the room from dinner, it started to rain quite a bit so we got pretty wet.

We had fun anyway!

Plus getting wet gave us the excuse to use the fireplace which I was very excited for

The next morning it was still rainy so I was happy. We went down and had breakfast and then I went to go pack up. There was a bit more of the conference Greg was staying for, but I just went home. But when I got back to the room I decided I had enough time to sit and read and enjoy being up there and that's exactly what I did.

While Greg was still at the conference and driving people around, I ran errands, did some chores, and then I watched Psych on Netflix (If you haven't seen Psych, please watch it. You can thank me later). It was super weird to be home without Greg there. We are almost never apart like that so it was definitely something I had to get used to. When Greg got home, we packed again so we could go up and stay at my parent's house that night. Before going to my parent's house we went to see Greg's family since Sunday was Mother's Day. Greg took a leaf out of my book and painted a cute canvas to give to his mom. I wish I'd taken a picture of it! He did a great job with it. After seeing his family we went to my parent's house. My grandparents were down visiting from Canada and it was so great to see them! We stayed up late playing cards with them and had a blast!

The next day was Mother's Day. My parents have Church at 11 so I got to sleep in a little which was awesome! Greg unfortunately had to drive back down to Sundance to pick up the last couple professors and take them to the airport so he didn't get to sleep in. We went to Church with my family and after Sacrament we came home so we could start getting dinner ready and get ready to Skype with Rem! My grandma was cooking and we were expecting about 20 people, so there was lots to do. Before everyone got there for dinner we got to Skype Rem which was so great! He has grown so much on his mission and I couldn't be more proud of him. I am so excited for him to get home later this year!!

For dinner, my grandma made a pork roast, mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, carrots, rice, and my mom made buns. It was a delicious meal! We had so many people there, it was great to be there with so much family. Both sets of my grandparents were there, my uncle and his family came, my cousin, Shirsten came with her family, my cousins Jacoby and Jessica came, and then my parents, Payton, and Greg and I. We had so much talking with everyone and eating. It was such a fun weekend!


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