I felt really old this weekend...

We have had a really fun weekend so far, but most of the things we've done have made me feel old... Yes I know I shouldn't feel old at 22, but sometimes I do! Friday night we went up to this cute little community theater where Greg's little sister, Anna, and her grade at school were putting on a musical. The teacher came out at the beginning and told everyone that the students wrote the script, decided on scenery, props, and costumes, and wrote the lyrics to the songs they sang. They even had a professional come and write music for this and the students were the ones that decided how they wanted each song to sound. They have been studying the Revolutionary War this year and that's what their musical was on. They did such a great job! They all looked so cute in their little Colonial costumes. Anna had a couple parts at the end where she got to show off some of her sweet gymnastic skills and she did some great stuff. Good job Anna! During the musical, I realized that last time I performed at a school thing was 5 years ago! I feel like it was only a couple of years ago.

After Anna's musical, we went to Greysen's 2nd birthday! Greysen is my friend, Ashley's son. And he's 2! Ash put together such a cute little party! It was at the park and they did a bbq. It was a Mickey Mouse theme so there were cute tablecloths and delicious cupcakes with little chocolate Mickey's on them. Even the watermelon was cut out in the shape of Mickey's head! It was so cute. Greysen loves any kind of ball, so of course we had to get him a ball. We also got him bubbles because when I was in nursery, that was their favourite part of the day so I figured he'd love them too, and I was right. When we were shopping for his present, we kept saying to each other how crazy it was to be buying presents for a toddler! It was so fun to see some friends at the party and see how much Greysen has grown. I remember going to see him and Ash at the hospital and he was so small! He is starting to talk and he loves fist bumping people. He does the cutest smile and says the cutest "Cheese!" whenever someone wants him to smile for a picture. Look how cute he is!

On Saturday we got to sleep in a little and then we got ready to go hiking! We were going with Shannon and Jonathan, Christopher, and my friend Sarah. My grandparents live in a canyon and they own like 8 or 9 acres of land in the canyon so that's where we went hiking. There is a trail that takes you way to the top of one of the mountains and you can see a lot of the canyon from up there. The views are amazing. But it was a tough hike! It was a lot longer than I remembered. In all fairness, the last 10 or more times I went up there, I went up on a 4-wheeler so it seemed considerably shorter. After lots of breaks, we made it to the top! It was so beautiful. Hiking is hard, but when you see that view, it is so worth it! Coming back down, we went pretty quickly. Afterwards we went and got lunch at a favourite spot of mine and Greg's, Baked. So good! By the time we got home, I was already feeling sore and knew Sunday morning I would definitely be feeling it! We're going to hike a lot this summer hopefully so we don't get quite so sore. We took so many pictures while we were hiking because Shannon and Jonathan brought their new selfie stick and of course had to try it out! Plus, as I said before, it was beautiful.

From the top!!

That's the highway way down there

Greg loves to climb trees

It was so much fun! And it was so cool. Seriously. It was hot and I was tired and sweaty and I woke up super sore today, but it was great!! I was also extremely happy because I finally fit in my favourite hiking jeans!! I haven't been able to wear them for at least a year, but probably longer than that, and I could wear them yesterday! When I got married these were my jeans that were my big jeans, so I was pretty happy I can fit in them again! Next stop, my pre-marriage skinny jeans!


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