The Beginning of the End

Greg started school again today. He had 4 glorious months without school and it was amazing! We've had so much fun this summer. I was really sad for him to start school again. But! There is a bright side! This is his last first day at BYU! Well I guess technically he'll have a first day for winter semester, but it all counts as one thing to me. The next first day of school will be for grad school! And tomorrow Greg is taking the GRE! Keep him in your prayers, thoughts, keep your fingers crossed, etc. for him tomorrow! It's crazy how quickly this has come up. When we got married, Greg wasn't even 100% sure what he wanted to do with his life and now we're just weeks away from starting grad school applications. I have to brag about him for just a minute because he is so smart! I know he'll have no problem getting into a grad school program. I am so proud of him! He's worked so hard and I am so glad that I get to go through every step of this with him.

The last couple weekends have been really fun. We wanted to make the last weekends of summer count so we did! Two weekends ago we went to my friend Andrew's wedding reception. It was really beautiful and it was good to see Andrew and a couple other friends and catch up. After the reception we went with my parents to Red Robin. And Jessica came up with us so she was there too! It was fun! We watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier which is a fantastic movie! It was Jess's first time seeing it since it came out while she was on her mission. The next day we all went to Lagoon with my family. We had sooo much fun! Even though the lines were long, we were all together and we had a blast! I just love these guys!

Before heading back to Provo we stopped by to see Greg's family and share some Canadian chocolate with them. By the time we got home, I was exhausted! Lagoon is tiring! Sunday was great as always. Church, a relaxing afternoon, and then dinner at Grandma's with the fam! While we were at dinner, I let my slow cooker do the work for a pot roast so we'd have lunch for the next day. It was my first attempt at a pot roast so I was nervous. But it actually turned out pretty well! And the slow cooker did the work without heating up the apartment, so bonus!
This last weekend was also super fun! My mom got tickets through her work for a Monarchs game for Friday night. She didn't want them so Greg and I got to go! On our way up we stopped for dinner at Dickey's. Oh I love me some BBQ! So does Greg. So we're perfect for each other. This was our first soccer game and it was so much fun! At the half, we ran into Ashley and Eric! Small world! It was great to catch up with them! I couldn't believe it, but we didn't see them all summer! We left the game just a little bit early so we could get back to Provo in time for a movie. Greg had been wanting to watch a movie for a while so I decided we should go to one! Make the last of summer, you know. And because he is the sweetest man ever, he had gone to the grocery store and got our favourite treats to bring to the movie. After the game, we made it just in time for the movie! We saw Pitch Perfect 2 and we loved it! Well I loved it and Greg liked it. After the movie we went home and Greg had roses waiting for me at home. You guys, he seriously is too great. We were so close to finishing the last Harry Potter book that we had to stay up late to finish it! And naturally once it was over we were so happy/satisfied/depressed that we had to stay up talking for a good hour about it. I am so thrilled Greg loves Harry Potter as much as I do! Saturday we didn't have any set plans so we got to sleep in which was amazing! The day was spent mostly running errands and other boring stuff. But! I found shrimp on sale for a crazy good price so we got to have shrimp scampi for dinner which is easily one of my favourite meals. Top 10 for sure and maybe even in the Top 5! After dinner, Shannon and Jonathan came over. We at peach crisp, introduced Jonathan to Modern Family, talked, looked through my medical dictionary for gross pictures, and laughed a ton. It was a good last Saturday night before school. Sunday was great too! Even though we had to wake up early to get to church on time. It's hard, but we never regret going. The afternoon was spent cooking, baking, and watching the first half of Megamind. We didn't get to finish it sadly, but we'll have to finish soon because Greg has never seen it! My cousin, Jacoby came over for dinner and that was fun! After Jacoby left, we got to go on a walk! It has been too hot to be outside but last night was perfect for it! I was not excited for the weekend to end because I knew our weeknights would be taken up by homework once again. But it will all be worth it in the end!


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