
 You know how sometimes you'll talk about doing something fun with friends or family and then it never happens? It's always kind of a bummer but at the same time you have an inkling from the beginning that it's not going to happen. Well a few months ago when Sarah brought up doing a Disneyland trip with Tim and her, Shannon and Jonathan, and Mike and Vanessa, I got excited, but it seemed like a long shot that we would actually go. But over the months, an actual plan began to form! After planning and a couple setbacks, we had a firm plan in place. And we got so excited! But we still had to wait a couple months before our trip.

Finally, September 23rd was upon us! Greg and I were all packed up and ready to go! We spent that night at my parent's house so we'd be close to the airport and we could hopefully get some more sleep. But being closer to the airport didn't really help me get anymore sleep because I was excited. I felt like a little kid on Christmas! After about 4 hours of a not very deep sleep, it was time to head out! The flight went smoothly and before we knew it, we were walking over to Disneyland! This trip was so much fun! It was so hot and humid and every day was exhausting, walking around, standing around, etc. and it didn't even matter because we were in Disneyland! I get pretty sick on a lot of rides so I love that in Disneyland there are a lot of rides I can go on without getting sick. Like Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Soarin' over California, Haunted Mansion, etc. And we got to see Carsland which was amazing! It looked just like the town in Cars! And the ride was so fun! No one should miss it if they go to California Adventure! One of the best things about Disneyland though isn't just the rides, it's all the extra stuff. We got to sit in with a few different Disney animators and learn to draw characters. We learned to draw Pluto, Agent P, Oswald, and Mickey Mouse! I am not a great artist, but it was still fun! There were also some amazing shows/parades, we got to see. We went to a stage show of Aladdin which was incredible! It was in an air conditioned theater with chairs which was a huge plus but the show itself was amazing. I had no idea they even did that show so I was glad Shannon and Jonathan knew about it. The parade they did every night was so fun too! And so well done! And Saturday night we went and saw Fantasmic. Oh my gosh it was amazing! I didn't know they did it but it was so amazing! Disneyland is so magical! We made great memories with friends, I got to be with Greg pretty much 24/7, we had so much fun, and I slept better than I've ever slept in my life. It was an exhausting trip but it was filled with so much laughter, sweat, and fun! I can't say enough good things about it, so I'm going to let the pictures do the talking for me. Oh PS, Disneyland had Halloween going on when we were there so everything was decked out in Halloween decorations and it was amazing!

At the airport Thursday morning
In the shuttle on the way to the hotel
Us outside Disneyland!
Up until now, the pictures have been in order chronologically, but now they are just going to be put in

This is from Paint the Night

Greg's Pluto

My Pluto, as you can tell, I'm extremely talented
My Agent P

Greg's Agent P

My Oswald hahaha!

Greg's Oswald, I had no idea my hubby was so talented!

My Mickey! Maybe fourth time's the charm!

Greg's Mickey

Greg and I trying to look regal in the Mad T Party chairs

Eating at Flo's Cafe in Carsland

Vanessa's best friend from high school and her husband were able to meet us in Disneyland

Unfortunately the woman taking our picture told us to lean the wrong way so... Awkward haha

Saw Tiana! Love her! But I didn't want to wait in line for a picture

In the airport waiting to go home :(


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