Greg's Birthday and Thanksgiving

Greg turned 25 on Thursday! He freaked out a little when he realized in 6 months, he'll be closer to 30 than 20 haha but other than that, I think he was excited. He can rent a car now and not have to pay extra! Whoo! Since his birthday was on a Thursday, we couldn't do anything too exciting because of work and school, but I tried to make it good still. We had breakfast together, made him the dinner he wanted (beef consomme rice, spice rubbed pork chops, shrimp, and lemon roasted broccoli) and a key lime pie for his birthday "cake". We also watched Star Wars because I married a nerd like me and we are so excited for the new movies! The weekend was full and really fun though! I got Greg a bigger tent for his birthday so Friday night we went camping. We went in Spanish Fork Canyon and it was so beautiful! The leaves are all changing and the sky was blue with only a few wispy clouds. We made burgers over the fire, did some exploring, and sat around the fire talking for hours. We knew we had to leave early, so we went to be pretty early and we felt like we were pretty prepared with 3 extra blankets, our warm sleeping bags, etc. but we totally weren't. It was soo cold! I only got a couple hours of sleep and Greg didn't sleep very well either because it was so cold. It was a relief to get up in the morning and get a fire going! We warmed up by the fire, had some hot chocolate and then packed up. We went and got breakfast at one of our favourite places, Baked. Seriously so good! When we got home, we unpacked, did laundry, etc. all that boring stuff. Then we went to go meet Greg's family for lunch. They took us to Kneader's, another favourite of ours. We had a great time catching up with them. We wanted to get together with our friends, but our apartment gets quite cozy quickly so we had everyone come over to my parent's house. We just love our friends! After staying out too late, like always, we made it home and got some sleep before 9 o'clock church rolled around. After church, we got a glorious nap! After not sleeping much Friday or Saturday night, it was greatly needed.

Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, so last night we got together at Grandma and Grandpa's with friends and family and had Thanksgiving. I just love this time of year. We get together with friends and family with great food and make great memories. Grandma went all out on dinner! Turkey, ham, grilled asparagus (courtesy of my dad), corn, a huge fruit platter with berries, pineapple, clementines, and grapes, bread, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, gravy, and 3 kinds of pie! Pumpkin, pecan, and her experiment, raspberry cream. Oh. Man. That was so good. Pecan is my particular favourite, but that raspberry cream was delicious! Everything was amazing. We are so blessed with all the amazing people in our lives. I am so grateful for this incredible weekend and that I got to spend all of it with my perfect for me hubby.

Isn't he cute?


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