Pre-Christmas and Christmas!

Christmas really creeped up on me this year. All of a sudden it was the Sunday before Christmas and I hadn't even done anything Christmas-y! So Sunday we did our Christmas-y stuff. We watched Elf and wrapped presents and went down town to see the lights at Temple Square. It was really cold but beautiful like always. We listened to Christmas music on the way there and the way home and then it really started to feel like Christmas! I love this time of year and I was glad to finally feel the Christmas spirit.

On Wednesday night before Christmas Eve, we went to Benihana with Shannon and Jonathan. I love Benihana. 6 courses. Delicious food. A fun environment. All my favourite things! I always get the same thing and I'm never sad about it. It was a lot of fun and delicious!

And then it was Christmas! We had so much fun with our families! We watched a couple Christmas movies, ate so much good food, and had a lot of laughs. We were really spoiled this year! We got everything on our wish lists and then some. We are so blessed. I love this time of year! The feeling of hope and love everywhere is the best. Unfortunately not everyone emulates love though. When we came home on the 26th, we came home to a door that was all dented in from someone trying to get in with a crow bar. We are so lucky they didn't get in though!! It still made us feel uneasy when we got home. Our neighbours had the same thing and they filed a police report so we did too. The officer that came out was really great and helpful. Thank you to the officers that put their lives on the line for us! We felt really blessed that nothing was taken, that we have an apartment to live in, and that we want for nothing we need.

Christmas Day!

Part of our damaged door

Since we watched Home Alone twice in the last week, I immediately thought of hilarious/damaging booby traps we could have set up in case someone did get in. I think a blow torch attached to the front door would definitely deter robbers, don't you think?


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