December birthdays

My sister, mom, and I have birthdays within 4 days of each other. It gets a little crazy in December. But we always have so much fun. Payton's birthday is on the 10th and we got to meet my family in Lehi at Popeye's for dinner that night. It was fun to be able to see her on her birthday! And my grandparents were able to come too! Also I love Popeye's so, can't complain about that!

Payton with Grandma and Grandpa

I was happy I promise, but I wasn't ready for the picture... Haha!
My birthday was on Sunday this year and Greg turned my birthday into a weekend long event. Friday night we went to dinner with Shannon, Jonathan, Ashley, and Eric. We had so much fun! Food, ice cream, games, and lots of laughing.

 Saturday we got to sleep in (until 8, I'm not much one for sleeping in anymore) and then we got ready to go! Greg also gave me my presents. He's so cute! He got me my favourite fancy cookies and a Mickey Mouse wearing a Dolphins jersey. Mickey also came with a Dolphins blanket, I loved it!

We had lunch at a Norwegian cafe in Salt Lake called Finn's Cafe. It was so great! I got Norwegian waffles with Fried chicken and Greg got Jule Kake French Toast. Everything was delicious!! And the cafe was really cute and I felt right at home. I highly recommend it.

After lunch we went to the Natural History Museum up by the U. It was so cool! We spent like 3 hours there trying to see everything. We saw a ton of stuff! Dinosaurs, earth formation, Native American artifacts, etc. Of course when we were going through the Dinosaur section, Greg had to sing the Jurassic Park theme haha. I love that I married someone that appreciates museums. And I love even more that he can make me laugh the whole time we're at a museum. He's so great. After the museum we went to a little strip mall close to where we were and walked around. I was so tired by the time we went for dinner, we'd been walking around all afternoon! It was so worth it though. Greg had made reservations at The Paris Bistro. It was so fancy. Not everyone was dressed super fancy, but there were a few people in tuxes and fancy dresses. We were very impressed. The ambiance was great. The staff was amazing. And the food... Oh my... Delicious. We shared a huge salad to start with. Greens, pears, goat cheese, honeyed pecans, and a delicious light vinaigrette. I got risotto and prawns with tomatoes and chili oil, so good. Greg got grilled salmon with couscous and roasted veggies. Everything was delicious. We also got dessert because if you saw the dessert menu, you would have too. Everything sounded delicious. I got a molten chocolate cake with hazelnut gelatto and candied orange peel. Greg got a berry rhubarb cobbler with vanilla gelatto. So good. So so good. It was an amazing day. Greg for sure spoiled me.

At the museum, they had fossils in sand under a glass floor so we could walk over them, awesome!

They had the coolest displays

These were some Native American artifacts that were from I believe 600 BC. Amazing!

Outside the restaurant

It was so cute and fancy

That's half a salad, it was huge! And delicious, perfectly balanced in flavour and texture

My risotto and prawns, delightfully spicy and rich, perfectly cooked prawns and risotto

Rich chocolatey cake with sweet and bitter orange peel. And that hazelnut gelatto... Oh man. Perfect!

Sunday Greg made me breakfast and we went to Church. It was the Christmas program, so we had great music and great talks about Christ. It was so wonderful to feel the Christmas spirit. That night we went to Grandma's for a combined birthday dinner. Gage, Kerstin, baby Nixon, Jacoby and his girlfriend Abbie, Jessica, my parents and siblings and Greg and I were all able to get together for dinner. My dad made grilled pork chops, grandma had home made apple sauce, my mom and I made roasted asparagus, and we had bread and fruit. For dessert my mom made brownies with chopped candy canes on top, my favourite! And grandma had cookies and ice cream and chocolate sauce. We were spoiled for sure with dinner. Everything was delish! And we had lots of fun and laughs. I meant to take a lot of pictures, but I forgot, I was having too much fun! It was such a great weekend. If birthday celebrations reflect the coming year at all, then 23 will be the best year yet!


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