
I love Thanksgiving! I love that it's a holiday for anyone. Anyone in America can celebrate it regardless of race, religion, etc. I love that it's a holiday that revolves around food and loved ones. I love that it's a day for all of us to remember how blessed we are. This year for Thanksgiving we planned to go to California for Thanksgiving to be with my family and extended family. Since Remington just got home I was excited to spend more time with him! The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we were planning on driving through the night to California after I got off work. But it was snowy and the roads were terrible. We didn't feel like it was a good idea to drive in the dark on such bad roads so we decided to stay here for Thanksgiving. It was a bummer because I know how much fun we have with the family in California. But we actually ended up having a great weekend! Thanksgiving day we went to Greg's aunt and uncle's house which was great! After dinner there, we went to see my grandparents. It was great to spend some time with them. And having grandma's cooking is always a good thing. We are so thankful to have such great family!

This semester has been really hard. Lots of hard work and grad school applications, it's been crazy. It was so great to have a long weekend to just hang out with Greg. We slept in, we went to a couple movies, we ate out, and spent the whole time together! Greg had to work on some applications still, but we still had a blast!


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