We Love Sundays

I have a love-hate relationship with Sundays. I love going to Church and being recharged spiritually for the week. I love getting to spend the whole day with Greg and being able to go to family dinners or take the time to cook something that takes longer than I have time for during the week. But I really hate that the day after Sunday is Monday... I hate Mondays. I hate the end of the weekend. I need something fun and relaxing to do on Sunday or I feel like the weekend isn't over. So we usually go for a walk or a drive and it's awesome. This last Sunday Greg and I went for a drive through Spanish Fork Canyon hoping to see the leaves changing. The leaves hadn't quite started changing yet, but it was still beautiful.

I was also excited about this last Sunday because I made ribs for the first time ever! I hadn't realize before that ribs are fairly inexpensive. I was getting pretty tired of sticking to chicken and ground beef and occasionally pork chops so we could stick to our food budget. I had heard several people recently say that ribs were pretty inexpensive so I looked and they fit in our budget! I used a spice rub on the ribs and cooked them low and slow. When they were almost done I covered them in honey and raised the heat and cooked for just a little bit longer. The meat was so tender and they were sweet and spicy. Yummy! Later that night we got to go to the CES Devotional that Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke at. The devotional can be found here. It was so great to be in the same room as an apostle of the Lord and get to hear him speak. It was an awesome experience!


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