Date night! Sort of...

I feel like we live for the weekends. It is so great to not go to work and/or class and just hang out! We were going to be home Saturday night so I pictured a night of movies and treats and was so excited! Until I remembered I am married to a full time student. So sometimes when you're married to a full time student, date night is actually a quick stop at Arby's, grocery shopping and then a night of homework for Greg. So to make sure Greg could get all his crap, I mean completely important homework, done as quickly as possible, I had to keep myself busy so I wouldn't distract him. I wanted to watch Friends ASAP! So I told him to go do his stuff and I would get the groceries put away. I decided that since I had the time, I would prepare for cooking the rest of the week and save myself some time later. It felt great to be so productive and I am excited for less prep time for this week's meals. So I washed and dried all the lettuce we bought, tore it up, and bagged it so it would be ready for salads for the week. I also washed and dried the parsley and cilantro we bought and bagged it too so they will last longer hopefully... And peppers were on sale at our grocery store so we stocked up. I washed and cut all the peppers up to freeze them so I can throw them in last minute to hash browns, eggs, stir fries, whatever. It took about an hour but it felt so great to get it done! And I felt super productive! Until I saw I only had 4 bags of veggies prepped when I felt like I should have like 10. But it's better than nothing!

I also spent time reading this sweet cookbook my mom bought at the DI for me! I was very excited!


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