Etched Glass

Today is my mother-in-law's birthday so yesterday we went over and spent some time with her and gave her her birthday present. I had the idea from something I saw on Pinterest of course. Etched glass! I saw this tutorial on using Armour Etch and making the cutest mugs. But I couldn't find the tutorial again so I went off what I could remember. We went and bought a cute mug and Greg decided that he wanted to put "I heart Mom" on it. We bought some reusable vinyl stickers, the mug, and the Armour Etch at Hobby Lobby. I put the stickers on the clean mug and used a sponge brush to put a thick layer of Armour Etch on. I let it sit for about 5 minutes and rinsed it off with warm water. I let it dry and then did another layer of thick Armour Etch. After about 7 minutes this time I rinsed it off again. One more layer and we had the result we wanted. We filled the mug with Snickers and she loved it. I couldn't get the best picture of it, but I was pleased with how it looked!
The stickers on

Thick layer of Armour Etch

After one coat

The finished product! I should have taken a picture without the Snickers in it because you could see the etching better, but that's OK! 


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